[image deleted] Nobody really knows what is true or not with covid....everybody is collecting data differently around the world. But it is hard to claim that anyone is "trying to blame covid for the death of anyone with two or more co-morbidities"....that is just what the data has been showing from day one from all around the world....!
And as for the death rate stats in the USA....well, that is just what the data is also showing (but I believe that we both know that those data are wrong because those in charge have dumped every conceivable death into that garbage bin....including if you had died from a car accident but your lab work had shown that you happen to have covid also. Or even the flu....for example, the average annual death from flu in the USA is about 40,000 per year. Last season the CDC showed under 6,000 deaths....a shameless IMPOSSIBILITY.
For data on covid I look abroad....the USA data is basically garbage!
I will randomly choose Israel because it is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. This data is from December 2020 this is their data (I cannot find any current data by age in Israel but based on Israel's policy this January, 2022 to give the 4th covid booster shot to those over 60-years of age I will assume that this data still holds true)....
"An analysis of the Health Ministry data regarding coronavirus mortality in Israel shows that those who died of COVID-19 suffered mostly from high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular problems."...."The most common profile of those who died of COVID-19 was a combination of age and a chronic condition common to people aged 65 or older. The average age of those who died was 79, while the median age was 81." The age group with the most deaths was 80-89, with 1,022 deaths since the pandemic began in Israel – more than a third of all deaths. That group was followed by those 70-79, with 759 deaths, and then those over 90, with 613 people dying after being infected with the coronavirus."
SOURCE (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-over-3-000-deaths-analyzing-underlying-conditions-israelis-victims-covid-19-coronavirus-1.9373006).
This is my last comment on this to you.....you can respond though....I just will not read it!