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MoozaHooza (144841)
Joined 2021-01-05
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politics in politics
1 up, 1mo
If you bet $100 on Trump winning and he wins... then you will get back about $97.
If you bet $100 on biden and he wins then you get back about $140
If you bet $100 on michelle and "he" wins then you get back about $1,000,000.
Vegas betting had biden winning in 2020... and he did!!
politics in politics
2 ups, 1mo
In America, anybody can get a Ph.D.! No matter what your IQ is! All you have to do to graduate is attend classes occasionally, write a mediocre dissertation (or have a dissertation writing service produce it for you which is normally done), and most importantly... pay your university fees!
No one with an IQ below 130 should be able to attain a Ph.D. ... never mind achieving the status of a scientist! American universities and colleges are just plain mediocre... living off the fumes of their former glory! And that is a direct result of their focus on DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) and affirmative action... which are allowing the unqualified and run-of-the-mill to rise to the top!
This bullshi@ is what is destroying America!
politics in politics
2 ups, 1mo
politics in politics
1 up, 1mo
And that is just the start of this story!
And it not that it "might"... as it is known that is does but no one wants to say it aloud! And one can extrapolate these findings to those other Western populations which were frightened into, coerced into, or forced into taking that dratted vaccine! That same study went on to declare...
"One in five of those experiencing long COVID in the UK stopped working and was not back to work six months after disease onset.18 In Australia, an estimated 240,000 of those with long COVID no longer work full time"...
You can make of that what you will!
politics in politics
1 up, 1mo
It was not actually CNN itself but rather a rabid liberal and frequent real estate guest (Brown Harris Stevens' CEO Bess Freedman) on cnn who said that Mar-A-Lago was worth hundreds of millions of USD... and that Trump should sell it to make the bond! She is NEVER going to be reinvited back to CNN again!
All the cases against Trump are and were never viable cases.... and they will be thrown out when they reach the higher courts.
The aim was always to tie Trump up in lawsuits, days in court, and his cash for his campaign... so that he would not be able to campaign (or not at all) for re-election effectively!
It is just downright wicked... Banana Republic tactics!
And severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome!
With other people it would have worked... but Trump is a very unusual human being... who just does not give up!
He is just driving liberals absolutely loco!