fine, ill uncensor it.
gm evewyone me have cweated an awmy to defeat da bwuhify awmy, it's cawwed da numbewbwocks awmy. da numbewbwocks awmy, it wiww tuwn da bwuhify army, into n u m b e w b w o c k s.
so oh, da numbewbwocks awmy ish (awso) known as da numbewbwocks empiwe. and uh, dis ish da fwag, of da numbewbwocks awmy. *image not changing* and wat ish da numbew bocks awm- and da numbewbwocks awmy has nukes, so it couwd fight da bwuhify empiwe.
and da weadew of da numbewbwocks awmy ish m e. and uh join da numbewbwocks awmy pws, to uh- we wiww defeat da bwuhify awmy, (awso) known as da bwuhify empiwe. so we wiww pwotect youtube fwom da bwuhify awmy.
destroy bruhify armyyyyyyy
keep yt safe
no mowe bwuhify
and am going to *inaudible* , with da numbewbwocks awmy
aww now wike and subscwibe ow da numbewbwocks awmy wiww nuke youw house.hewwo ish anybowdy thewe??