That's the best part. The Hypocrisy. Point fingers, call names, make accusations.....then they are the guilty ones of doing/being all the things they say the libs are doing.... and dying from covid while at it because they were convinced COVID wasn't real, then it was real but it was just a cold,'s just the wait you just need hydroxy blah blah vaccine! NO! Pfizer vaccine bad! PFIZER COVID PILL GOOD! Remdesivire good. NO WAIT IT'S BAD! STILL NO VACCINE. VACCINE BAD! BIG PHARMA BAD! Antibody treatment GOOD! Wait....Antibody treatment from bog pharma. Oh well, listen to your masters and FAUCI BAD!!!!
These buffoons don't know which way is up. They are driven by ego with a splash of bigotry. They are in a death cult led by a moron. Sad on one hand. Cleansing on another.