The universe was literally created via the Big Bang, which occurred billions of years ago; supernovas (a stellar explosion) and their stardust (dust and gas, those of which eventually became Magnesium, Zinc, and Iron) slowly came together to form our universe, which took many, many years, which is completely understandable since it all began with mere dust from exploding stars. Still, it happened; the dust accumulated together and created our sun. Throughout this all, solar winds helped pull Hydrogen and Helium into the bunch, as well as Zinc and other elements. With that, all of those materials came together to form our planets; the heavier materials went down to create the cores, meanwhile the lighter materials created the crust (our terrestrial planets are made of the heaviest materials, like Zinc and Iron, meanwhile the gaseous planets are made of the lighter materials, like helium). Now, each of these planets have their own opposing forces, those of which were strongest between Jupiter and the sun, hence creating our asteroid belt (where asteroids reside and never got to become their own planets). As for life on Earth, it all began with microbes (microscopic organisms who didn't need oxygen), those of which were incredibly simple organisms due to how equally simple Earth was. Cyanobacterias were especially important back then, because they became the world's first photosynthesizers (thus meaning that, through sunlight and water, they gave us oxygen). Due to the oxygen, the microbes that had learned to live without it died out, and so did the Cyanobacteria, after some time. And yet, they learned to evolve to survive, with the microbes learning to live within other microbes, thus creating more complex forms (organelles, Mitochondria, DNA, etc.). With that, they even began living together for the benefit of protection and whatnot, which, through that all, as well as evolution, we soon had all the animals that we have today (800 million years ago is when the first animals appeared, even though they were basically a bunch of cooperating cells). It's all easily explained away today, which is thanks to the science we now have, though I can see as to why people believe this "bible" story, since there was no way they could have just known all this way back when.Still, science explains it all in a way that actually makes sense, instead of your "sky daddy" magically popping out of nowhere one day and deciding to turn the universe into one big ass mobile game ad.