But, what makes something nice? Why is it nice? Is it because, it’s putting someone else’s feelings ahead of your own? If so, why are their feelings more important than your own? Though, on the contrary you could also ask why would your feelings be worth more than theirs.
But, then again why’re feelings even brought into this feelings aren’t rational. Though, what makes something rational? You just decide it’s rational and therefore it becomes rational. Isn’t that in itself irrationality?
Why is a fetus that’s never done anything wrong it’s life and has 70+ years ahead of it considered to be worth less than a 90 year old who acted like jerk their entire life and is going to die soon either way?
Why is the average woman worth the same amount as the average man, even though the average man’s 190% the strength and 6” taller? Wouldn’t she only gain worth if she actually reproduces?
Why do we encourage women to not have kids?
Doesn’t that take away their worth?
Why do we encourage homosexuality?
No offspring can come out of it, therefore it is the text book definition of irrationality.
Why do we throw around the term, “phobic”, so much, but terms like, “retard”, “what are you autistic?”, etc. considered taboo?
Is it not true that a phobia is a mental disorder as well?
I have a legitimate diagnoses of trypanophobia, but if I said that terms like homophobic, fat-phobic etc. we’re offensive I’d get laughed at.
On the contrary, if someone diagnosed with a developmental delay said that, “retard”, was offensive they’d get a huge pity party.
Why are we supposedly overpopulated, but COVID-19 killing people is a bad thing?