Hmmm...what new law would I enact?....
Kinda pointless to pass another law that just re-states the dictates of previous legislation...soooo...for starters, I'd want a new, unrepealable/irrevocable law/regulation governing Congress whereby Congressmembers who display hypocrisy/cognitive dissonance when dealing with legislative matters/speaking publicly are summarily ejected and barred permanently from holding public office thereafter (reasonable grounds for such an legislation and the ejections which would follow being that display of either characteristic is prima facie evidence of bias and bias prevents the requisite objective consideration necessary in legislative matters). Of course, the argument against such legislation would be something along the lines "you can't regulate personal behavior" (nevermind that most laws are regulations of personal behavior). And it would have to pass both Houses and the Resolute Desk...which isn't bloody likely considering how much of Congress would wind up out on their asses; the fox will never volunteer to be removed from its job watching the hen-house. Even if such a law/regulation did manage to make it onto the books, all it would really do beyond the first spate of ejections is teach incoming Congressfolk the value of keeping their mouths shut in public...though that might be something of a win, all things considered.
Don't throw yourself into the blanket-statements trap.
As for the death penalty, let that shit rip for every warranted case where the defendant was caught dead-to-rights/the prosecution's case 100% proven beyond a reasonable doubt --e.g.: the woman recently arrested in Florida who was caught on camera putting a bullet through another woman's head; no appeals, no waiting, get it done...same-day service if possible. Since the convicted is usually already wearing a suit, measure them for a casket and finish the job.