Yes, all lives matter. However, the creation of ALM and the history of it makes it a racist term. BLM, black lives matter, ISN'T saying white lives don't matter. It's saying, "hey our lives are not equal right now please give us some support." If one house is on fire, you don't hose all the other houses on the block or shout all houses matter. You don't raise awareness for all kids when some kids get cancer, you raise awareness for the kids WITH CANCER. If one group of people is starving you raise awareness to the people who are starving, you don't say all stomachs matter. ALM is saying, all houses matter when one house is on fire. ALM is saying all kids matter when one kid has cancer. ALM is saying all stomachs matter when one person is starving. If you broke a bone, you wouldn't want someone telling you that all bones matter. If you came out to someone as Lesbian, you wouldn't want the response "Well MY sexuality is valid to." Do you know what straight pride is? Its is a bunch of straight(tm)s looking at the parades and going "all sexualities and genders matter" when they don't have to risk be thrown out of their house for being straight or cis. Then they demand representation when they have plenty of it.