Self-defense. Any black man shoots anybody in self-defense, it's self-defense. Any woman shoots somebody in self-defense, it's self-defense. Any Hispanic shoots anybody in self-defense, it's self-defense. Any Asian shoots anybody in self-defense, it's self-defense.
Any white man shoots somebody in self-defense, it's suddenly not.
Let's stop beating around the bush. Rittenhouse is innocent, along with anyone who possibly could have been in his shoes and done what he did. He did what you would do, or anyone else being attacked. He is not innocent because he shot them and because of a political agenda- he is innocent because he had no better response. The Kenosha Kickers there got shot because, well, they committed assault on someone who had a gun.
Blame the shooter, not the gun. So long as the shooter is guilty in that right.
This is about race to you all. Calling it how it is.
It's really not supposed to be.
It's about a kid whose adult life could have been ruined because he did the right thing, but he was white.
Stop making things about race so you can say racism. It's not a good look. If it's not that way, don't make it that way. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Not to say what you all did was fixing it. It was making everything an unnecessary level of horrible. White kid shoots white adults. It should not be what you are making it.