Saw this posted elsewhere, The left tolerates whatever racist remarks the former Vice President says , and promotes this mental illness coming from this sewer of a party.
Truly brain damaged people.
Tune in next week for even more insanity!
So let's review this week in Crazyville ...
1. A man is refused medical treatment because he's white;
2. Elementary school kids are taken on a field trip to a gay bar;
3. A white teen who defended himself against 3 white attackers is labelled a white supremacist;
4. a nominee for joe's cabinet calls on the government to take over all civilian deposits, & all bank accounting;
5. a attorney general of the US calls parents domestic terrorists for expecting their kids to be taught;
6. a journalist is raided by the FBI for a girl's diary;
7. a school board superintendent is caught keeping "files" on parents;
8. gas prices are rising because we're shutting down pipelines which means we need more green energy;
9. inflation is a good thing;
10. americans, facing a supply chain crisis, have to lower their expectations;
11. a candidate who won a gubernatorial election won because of white racism for supporting parents in their rights to have their kids taught and not indoctrinated;
12. a professor at a university calls on not using the word pedophile because its stigmatizing and should stop;
13. a black professor calls on the genocide of whites and the entire university backs her up;
14. the pedophile of the US (POTUS) is VIDEO recorded saying "negro", twice, and the presstitute propagandists are claiming that its conservatives that are lying that he said it;
does that about sum it up? anybody else know that we're now living in an insane asylum run by every type of nutjob?