Honestly, I agree with most of that. He was 17, but that's neither here nor there. He was defending himself... But how are the two people chasing a guy fleeing the site of a shooting any more to blame? The one shot was shot while raising his gun toward Kyle... But Kyle was already aiming a gun at him.
Honestly, it was a mess. He was just a kid, and thus has no business being there acting like a soldier. I blame the people he was with too - he was a kid. The guy leading the group described Kyle as under equipped and under experienced. Yet nobody partnered him with someone or kept an eye on him.
Early days, you are right - people tried to paint him as a monster. Some probably still are, because that's what we seem to do. But the video of the people guarding the car lot... Like I said before, they weren't trying to start anything. I can't find any fault in what they did. But when Kyle went off alone... On one hand, you can't be blamed for being attacked... But he was in a city under curfew, with a gun he wasn't legally allowed to have, and making poor tactical decisions on top of it.
I think he deserves the reckless endangerment charge because the opposite example is that you can go into dangerous areas where police have explicitly put up barricades said, armed illegally, and then claim self defense when things go south. If this goes Kyle's way and Arbery's shooters go free (separate case), my takeaway is the left needs to arm up like it's the wild west. If Kyle had missed that shot at Huber and Gaige has shot Kyle, could be have called it self defense? After all they were pursuing a suspected criminal. How is that different from the guys pursuing Arbery? People have a right to defend themselves, but both of these cases stretch that principle to breaking.