Oh no. He only served for 51 years. What a horrible mistake I made. I guess we’ll just have to forgive him for being a PoS DemoKKKrat senator who was also a KKK member.
Nazi were leftists. They wanted to change the traditional German government, while a conservative would want it to stay the same.
So are some leftists, like the ones who bombed the Capitol building a few years ago.
And then a DemoKKKrat President let the leader go free.
They wanted a new type of government after decades of the same type, which means they wanted to change it, a leftist/liberal notion.
There is a connection. Why else would a Black Democratic President go to a KKK member’s funeral?
But if you claim there isn’t because of Black Democrats, by the same logic, Republicans can’t connected to the KKK either because of the Black Republicans.
Yet the meme clearly states that there is, and you haven’t commented on that, hypocrite.
What traditional values did they keep? As a liberal, do YOU want to change EVERY single value we have? Or do you want to keep SOME of them?
It doesn’t matter if he stopped being a member. He was one, and if you leftists can keep harping about a Republicans past racism even though they’ve apologized, so can I.
Democrats are the ones who are saying things like “If you’re having trouble choosing between me and Trump, then you ain’t Black” and “Colored people have a hard time getting voter ID”, not Republicans. Seems like DemoKKKrats can’t seem to accept that some black people are conservatives or that most can get, and already do have, voter ID.
If you can’t figure out that the “majority” she (a through and through leftist) is talking about are Democrats, then my claim of mental illness is probably correct, and I can’t help you.
So if the Nazis wanted to keep some traditional values but change others, can they be liberals? According to you, the answer is yes, because you are a liberal who wants to keep some traditional values.
Racism isn’t even close to the same thing as political affiliation. Nice try, but that is the dumbest comparison I’ve seen on this site, and there have been some doozies.
I picked one comment from two DIFFERENT DemoKKKrats. I’m not going to post every single racist comment from them. That would take too damn long.
MOST white people can get, and already have, voter ID too. Keyword: most.
The second she added Trumplican, she’s obviously accusing Republicans, not DemoKKKrats.