(Part 1)
1. I am running for president, and the reason being unifying the stream and returning the fun to the role play.
2. I plan to establish an official senate, introduce a new bill of rights, and make congress fairer and actually representative of its stream's beliefs
3. the consultation. the current administration has used its rubber-stamp congress to amend the constitution when something doesn't go their way, so the constitution needs to be revised as well as a bill of rights added so that we don't have to deal with this power overreach again.
4. I enjoy the shit posting lol.
5. I mostly approve of president Pr1ce, disapprove of head of congress Pollard, and greatly disapprove of vice president Incognito Guy.
6. I approve of having a congress, or a house, but I do not approve of the current congress.
7. I am torn between OP's proposal (*mostly* anyone can join) and Nerds proposal (make congress more proportional). If elected, this is a thing that we will need to deliberate with the whole stream and maybe compromise on.
8. I think some voter registration is necessary for an accurate election result, but I think too much can scare away new members. I like OP's DMV idea, but just having to follow the stream to vote isn't a horrible alternative.
9. I am, and always have been pro-free speech. As long as it complies with the ToS, there (usually) should be no issue.
10. I am in favor of both owners and congress having the power to remove someone from office.
11. First and foremost, who is most qualified, regardless of party affiliation. I will also weigh making congress proportional, but what party affiliate with should not alone decide if you get into congress.
12. All for it, other streams get more involved here and the stream gets more positions.
13. I am in favor of a constitution, but the current one is extremely flawed.
14. Big brother pretty based.
15. As I said before, that is one of my promises (to attempt to pass a bill of rights).
16. I think the bank was a really fun and creative idea, of course, congress doesn't like fun so they voted nay to recognize it. Sloth can explain why he didn't want to run a bank not recognized by the "stream", but yeah.
17. I supported it, he wayyy overstepped his power and continued to due to the corrupt congress until owner scar stepped in.
18. Maybe, but I do know restricting it makes it more easily abusable by certain users...And to what counts as NSFW, minor curse words like "damn" or "ass"..