Wubbzy decided not to seek a 2nd term, so his VP PR1CE ran for President instead. I was picked as his running-mate, and Pollard defeated Lardar, crazyscientistfarmer, and F1Fan to win the RUP Congressional nomination. This time the RUP won by a comfortable margin. sloth (you may have known him as Kamikaze) returned to IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS after being impeached a few months ago (I don't know if you saw this part or not) and made a new left-wing political party called NERD. He initially allied with the RUP, but turned on us over disagreements on NSFW policy and tried impeaching me based on bogus charges, but I was easily acquitted by Congress. Then it seemed at first that PR1CE would seek reelection, but then Wubbzy challenged him in the RUP primaries so I threw my hat in the ring and won the nomination with Firestar as my VP and Pollard as the HOC nominee. Some people were mad about the primaries not going the way they wanted (and completely ignored this image I made: https://imgflip.com/i/5os2sz) so left the RUP in protest. And that brings us up to now. A new Senate chamber will be established after the election (though it's more like an imgflip United Nations) and the election is heating up.