I am randomness central, running for head of congress.
1. To reform congress. It needs to be accurate to people’s votes. I also want the stream to be more friendly to new users, who tend not to stay. Giving them voices in congress can help.
2. Easy, make congressional reform. After that, make juries decided by elections.
3. I want to address the overall lack of active, new, users. New users tend to either be trolls, such as Minecraft haker, or slightly inactive, like papi niko. I feel as if smaller parties, which tend to be run by new users, had even just one or two seats in congress, we’d have more active newer users.
4. Well, since the congress reform would just end up keeping it similar anyways, I’ll go with birb likes crumbs, papi niko, right minded knight, and jeffy.
5. Free speech is fine, but hate speech shouldn’t be protected under the same laws as free speech simply because imgflip is a private company and their tos must be respected.
6. Temporarily banned, maybe. But he hasn’t done anything truly truly terrible other than harass users. So I’ll let sloth decide.
7. Oof. Hard one. I think yes, but only if they have actually A. Messed with the vote or hacked accounts or something crazy and B. The congress votes 100% in favour of it.
8. I didn’t really pay much attention to his impeachment, but I think it was a good move.
9. I think that impeachment should go before a court of 3 elected jurors.
10. Yes. Impeachment is a fundamental right of a working democracy.
11. Since my main goal is achieving electoral reform, I do plan to work with sloth, jemy, and other congress members to achieve these goals, and will support them on other nerd ventures.
12. It’s not that great, because as we saw, ig was acquired despite insane support from the stream. It isn’t based on popular vote, despite what ig may tell you.
13. Yes, if the president just decided everything it would be chaos.
14. Not really, no.
15. Alting should be illegal if you vote with your alts or portray them as separate users. I’m alright with people having a backup account or something.
16. I agree with sloths response.
17. If you follow the stream, you get to vote. The voting lasts for two days. If someone goes on vacation for those two days or is unable to vote, they can vote in advance.
18. If a conflict in the stream happens and it billows up to be unmanageable I would put it to a plebbyshite.
19. I’m on here every day, so yes.