Arresting kids over mask mandates - you mean the girl in Wyoming? She was arrested for refusing to leave school grounds after being suspended when she refused to wear a mask. Peaceful protests and getting arrested is how one objects to unjust laws going back forever. The thing is though, it relies on public opinion being behind the person or enough people repeating it to build momentum. This isn't a 'no colored people' situation - it's a dress code violation and most of us aren't even clear on what supposed principle is being violated that isn't already being violated by public decency laws and existing school dress codes.
It's called using judgment. Big pharma sucks in many ways, specifically in overcharging for medicines, blocking generics, and lobbying against any attempts to reign in those practices.
Nobody wants babies murdered. The disagreement is when a clump of cells becomes a baby. Roe v Wade holds that the point where that happens is viability, which I think is a good place to draw the line legally. Anything prior to viability is a question of faith and belief. In a matter of faith I defer to the mother to be.