This is what DanLewellen posted:
"Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average."
This is the entire paragraph from which he selected that segment:
"Of the 100,000 people, there were people from many doctrines, from conservative to liberal to marxist to fascist. Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average. However, the conservatives did not score the highest. The holder of second place were Communists with an average I.Q of 115, and the first place was apolitical people who did not follow any specific doctrine, who received a whopping score on average of 135."
Note what is said about Communists and the apolitical, which somehow Dan managed to stop reading before he got to it.
He also failed to read the disclaimer that was noted from the original version:
"Oh yeah, and everything in that bullsh*t you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot."
Conclusion, conservatives spread and referred to this story.... because - wait for it -