For some (on the right), anyone who falls even a tiny bit to the left of this rather arbitrary center line is a raging commie
You might ask: wait, it can’t be that simple?
A c t u a l l y
Yes it can :)
Oh and all the pro-commie Beez-era ads I posted as a joke, those probably don’t help XD
THOSE were a tongue-in-cheek reference to Beez’s first unsuccessful Presidential run last year as a joke Commie in the election ultimately won by Dr. Strangmeme, and we decided to reprise the running gag. Also became an easy way to trigger WN and MoinMan who hate being reminded their precious invincible Fuhrer lost to Stalin and the allies.
Ultimately it’s all a running inside-joke aimed at the sorts of folks who believe centrist Obama/Biden Dems are commies, who still don’t realize they’re being laughed at.
But it’s whatever :)