Article 5: Owner
Section 1: The Owner shall be responsible for holding elections and transfers of power. Nothing else. They are not to interfere with Congress votes, trials, or impeachments.
Section 2: Owners cannot remove an elected official without Congress voting with the necessary supermajority to impeach.
Article 6: Impeachment
Section 1: In order to remove a person in power, 2 Officials (President, VP, HOC, Member of Congress, or Owner) must call for an impeachment, what offense was committed, and who is responsible. A trial shall then be held by one of the judges from the Courtroom stream and after giving his verdict Congress shall vote, with a ⅔ supermajority required to impeach. Stream owners are NOT to interfere with this process.
Article 7: Trials
Section 1: One of the judges from the Courtroom stream is selected to hold a trial.
Section 2: The first judge to express interest gets the job.
Section 3: Congress acts as the jury.
Section 4: Stream owners are NOT to interfere with this process.
Article 8: Punishments
Section 1: The only punishments available are temporary or permanent bans.
Section 2: If a user posts something that breaks the rules, It is up to the President and other mods to enforce rules, but punishments are not necessary.
Section 3: Repeat offenders shall be Tried and charged on grounds of total disregard for the rules.
Section 4: The Jury shall vote to convict or not, and they can suggest their punishments to the judge,
Section 5: Anyone deleted by a global mod shall face a ban for 3 months from the time of their deletion, unless mods are permabanning the banned user from the site.
Section 6: if a person in power is punished, the owner can decide to suspend their mod for a certain amount of days. If the owner does a misdemeanor, the owner cannot get involved in the stream as the court decides.
Article 9: Voting
Section 1: All users are entitled to ONE VOTE. Multiple votes and alting will NOT BE TOLERATED.
Section 2: Elections will be held the last 2 days of the month, every 2 months.
Section 3: No user shall hold the same office in a year.
Section 4: Voters must register by following the stream, and filling out a google form that the owner put in the description of the stream.
(continued below)