Lemme splain it to you—the Vaccinated are all high & mighty, claiming “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,” (which is a bogus claim).
Holier-than-Thou-Vaxed-people get all righteous, and treat Unvaxed as 2nd class citizens, with restrictions on normal life.
WHAT IF it’s the reverse? Pandemic of the Vaxed. (Which it is).
Now THEY are the 2nd class citizens, with restrictions on THEM.
The evidence is AVAILABLE now. But not everyone WANTS to see it. When THEY can no longer hide the truth (THEY = everyone who is paid off by Big Pharma), then REALITY will slap everyone in the face.
You can be informed Now.
Or, continue in denial.
One day, no one will be able to claim ignorance (well, except, maybe, a ditzy blonde)