Some advice form a front page "expert" (most of my memes make it there), tags matter, and some people often come at you for putting GIF in the tags of a normal meme. Stupid, I know, but jt happens.
my friend saw me on here once and asked what it was. i said basically knock-off reddit, and he walked away. he came back 10 minutes later and asked why i was still on "knock-off reddit". i said because its not blocked on school laptops. he simply stared at me for awhile then left.
Unfortunately, about 95% of the featured memes here are reposts. The Burlington Cat Factory one is a prime example. It was popularized on Reddit like 10 freaking years ago! What a shame.
how to get your meme reached the; A; P; N; E; F; R; T; O; G; METHOD 1 : THREATEN THE MODS TO FEATURE YOUR MEME TO THE FRONTPAGE; YOU; THE MODS; METHOD 2 : ALREADY HAVE A FEATURED MEME ONCE; if you already have a featured meme once, people will think your memes are funny and will feature your memes, even if its just a cringe drawings; method 3 : make an actual good meme, nerd; try to think of your own creative meme idea, not reposting it from reddit