"Do you not know how vaccines work?" -- Yes, you don't obviously, you're okay with post-vaccinated being labeled as "unvaccinated" that's not how vaccines "work".
"Do you not know how vaccines work? They give you a dummy copy of the virus and then your body practices destroying it by building antibodies" --- I was right, you don't know that some of these vaccines are mRNA, not dead/weak virus. You're not worth my time.
"That takes 14 days. Before the 14 days, you don't have the antibodies you need, you're target practicing but haven't hit the target yet." --- Yes, correct the vaccine would take time to show results in the immune system, but that's still not scientific, and it's very deceptive to call post-vaccinated individuals as "unvaccinated". You would just call them "vaccinated" that are waiting for the reaction from the vaccine.
Besides, vaccinated individuals wouldn't have benefits from the non-benefit vaccine, no matter if it's 1-day or 14-days or 14-weeks, we also know this because they're claiming people need "boosters".
I also know, that they're lying when they claim the post-vaccinated individuals are "unvaccinated" on day 13, and "fully vaccinated" after 14-days, even if it's just the first dose, so that would not be "fully vaccinated" because some require two doses for "best protection" that they never prove.