Can't speak for everyone else but I mock alleged "patriots" for becoming all that they swore to destroy.
No more mean tweets is nice.. but was not even among the top 3 reasons I voted for Biden. Have fun beating that drum though. Y'all seem to enjoy it.
Energy independence and inflation are bit of a catch 22.... the higher inflation is/more expensive gas/oil prices are, the more able the US is to compete in the oil game... The cheaper the price, the more difficult it is for us to compete and be energy independent. In any case, America was not energy independent leading up to the Biden presidency.
As far as "flung the southern border open", Joe Biden has actually been CONTINUING trump's title 42 method of expelling people at the border without allowing them refuge. He has even been fighting in court to be able to continue doing this. On the other side of the coin, Biden was letting the people who were being allowed to a hearing wait here instead of in Mexico like before... but I heard the court recently flipped that one. As far as Mexicans being shipped around spreading covid, I haven't looked into it much yet but it sounds like it might be a scapegoat for covid cases in red states..
"Given Afghanistan to the Taliban".... Was Afghanistan ever ours to give to anyone?? In 2001 we came in and removed the Taliban from power. Now we're leaving, their president fled the country, many of the soldiers who we armed quit, and the Taliban is resuming power and picking up their gear. Not exactly surprising.
Maybe you're saying we should've stayed there indefinitely though.... Not sure.