Who is, "your guy," fella?
Are you not well?
You worship feeble wannabe demagogues, trying to elevate plastic charlatans to the level of dictators, only they've lacked the brains and the balls to follow through.
tbf, Reagan did try to keep within the illusion of being in accordance with the principals of the USA, but to that sadly befuddled chimp co-star we owe an open and growing class divide akin to that which we got away from with the American Revolution, runaway spending with no measures to pay for it other than gutting Social Security and other goverment-run programs, the crack epidemic so we could buy guns to sell to Iran so we could buy other guns to sell to the Sandanistas so we could buy more coke so we can sell more arms to the Ayatollah so we can.... because simply cutting out all those middle men and just directly giving the Nicaraguan terrorists arms would have been too simple and logical.
But then again, he made a deal wth Khomeini - continued supplying of weapons in exchange for keeping the American hostages till Inauguration Day just to make Carter look bad.
But at least he offset that by also supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein for Iraq's war against Iran which later gave W Bush an excuse to invade because we knew they had those WMDs because Cowboy Ronny GAVE them to them. For free.
He hired bin Laden so he can create al Queda for us for a mere $1.5 billion (or was it $3.5?), giving them CIA training which, well, you do remember what that lead to which stage two of just ended last month?
That POS was beyond a disgrace. Blood is still spilling because of him, yet somehow he's lauded as a god because, um, he looked real stern in a fatherly way while pissing America away for his crony connections.
So foul.