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America is awful

America is awful | Republicans: America is a free country! America: | image tagged in freedom,united states,patriotism,police brutality,conservative logic,conservatives | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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That's a little overkill, a simple sign "autistic person lives here" (yes they exist) would suffice. This is just a "look at me" bs
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If America is awful then LEAVE!!!!! GET OUT!!!! We don't need or want you here. Go find some socialist utopia to live in like Venezuela, North Korea or China.

I would quote facts to you but you don't care about facts. You only want to push an agenda.
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Successfully triggered the con :)

That was a good cry, snowflake!
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Yeah. I was afraid you were going to take that as a win. The only problem is I'm not crying. So you're just going to have to work harder.

But seriously. If America is so awful then what are you still doing here? You have the freedom to expatriate and never come back in this country. Why aren't you looking for some utopia to live in?

Is it because socialist utopias don't exist? Go find one that has most everything you want and make it into your utopia. Perhaps Denmark? They're close but not all of the way there yet.

As for the rest of us we're happy being free to choose our own destiny.
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Happy to choose your own destiny as a wage slave.

I would much rather live in the Zapatista rebel territories in Chiapas, but I'm sure I would be arrested at the border for trying to leave, as I am on correctional supervision for "crimes" I committed when I was 17 (free country, right?!?).

Besides, this country is rampant with inequality, racism and prejudice, plus a tyrannical police and prison system. It is always worth challenging that head-on.
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If you can find some way to live without being a slave to the basic necessities of life please let me know. Yes I work to live but that isn't my only options. I could live self sufficient as a farmer but I still have to work and work very hard. I could start my own business but then I have to work to make that business profitable and I have to work to make the customers happy.

And then there is your socialism. The promise that they will take care of your every need by stealing every last penny from the rich. So in about 9 months when the rich are now penniless the who deck of cards comes crashing down and it becomes just like every other Marxist regime. You are a slave to the government and you have to produce. If you don't produce then you are eliminated. People are judged based on their productivity to the collective. If you are productive enough then you get to live in a house or apartment determined by the central planners. You get to have only what you are permitted to have in your home. Because there is no incentive, whatsoever, to produce there are always food shortages. So you have to wait in bread lines just for a loaf of bread.

I know, I know... that's not socialism. That is what you all say but the fact of the matter that is all socialism has ever been. It has never been that utopia they promised you. All you have to do is just open your eyes and look around. Socialism has never worked anywhere. It almost destroy Sweden several years ago so the back down and let businesses determine their own course of action. They became a wage slave nation. It was either that or everyone starves to death.

So when you have served your time then buy a plane or bus ticket and head down to Mexico. I really hate to break it to you but Mexicans can be just as racist, if not more, than Americans. My mother-in-law was born and raised in Sineloa, Mexico. She said that there prejudices between light and dark skinned Mexicans. There are a few Mexicans who are not too fond of Americans right about now either.

If you want see real tyrannical police then try breaking the law and living in a Mexican prison.

The problem with American socialists is they haven't been anywhere else and they think America is the worst country on the planet. Why is everyone fleeing socialist nations trying to come to America? Have you ever thought about that?
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No police in any country around the world kills more every year than the American police.

America is in many ways the worst (I recommend you watch this video: we are number one in everything bad, student loan debt, medical debt, police killings, mass incarceration etc. and last in everything good: worker benefits and security, universal healthcare.

I don't think there are as many people fleeing "socialist nations" today as there have been in the past. You most likely are referring to Cuba, which has a higher literacy and child mortality rate than the U.S., and is able to guarantee free healthcare to all its citizens. Those exits took place in the 90s. Cuba is one of the best sustainably developed countries in Latin America, despite being a Marxist-Leninist state. The people of Cuba overwhelmingly support socialism.

As far as socialism "always failing", one of the best experiments ever in socialism was that accomplished by the Spanish anarchists during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Aragon and other regions of Spain were collectivized up to 70 percent, and productivity increased by 14+ percent.

As George Orwell, who fought in the Trotskyist POUM in the Spanish Civil War, reflected in Homage to Catalonia:
"I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. Up here in Aragon one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. In theory it was perfect equality, and even in practice it was not far from it. There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life—snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc.—had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master."
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Well apparently I must have triggered you for you to go off on a long rant like that.

And wow!! You've really gone down the rabbit hole haven't you. You've bought Marx's load of crap hook line and sinker.

No this is not just any type of reiteration of what Republicans say. This is observation.

You say the number of people fleeing socialist/communist nations is down from what it was in the 90's. But you never answered why they were fleeing in the first place. Then you mentioned Cuba but apparently you didn't see the massive protests for freedom in the streets, waving the American flag.

So if what I said was just some Republican propaganda then why is it born out in facts? Why would Cubans be protesting in the streets for their freedom when clearly Communism is so amazingly wonderful? Why would they risk their lives trying to make it to America where you have to pay for healthcare?

Then there all of those other Hispanics trying to get to America. Is it because those other socialist or mostly socialist nations are just too wonderful for them?

You just cannot take that much power away from the individual and expect a nation to ever fulfill its promises. Governments corrupt very easily and greed takes over all of their motivation. When a government can make laws that take people's money away from them they only get greedier and greedier and people become less and less free.

Marx either didn't understand that or didn't care about that. However, our founding fathers understood that very well. George Washington called government a fire and said that it had to be watched very carefully or it would burn out of control.

You seem to think that our police shoot more innocent people than all other countries. That is complete and utter rubbish. It is Marxist propaganda that only the very weak minded believe. In socialist nations the government killing innocent people is a hobby.

Seriously I just don't know how you can still be a communist and justify 100 million murders of innocent people? Doesn't that mean anything to you? Can't you see this is what communism, Nazism, fascism and all of those other variations of socialism are all about?

All of those promises of free stuff comes at a very heavy price. That price is everything you own, including your life. You live only because of your ability to produce for the oligarchs.

I think you will find that North Korea is very accommodating to your needs.
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You are again regurgitating tired Republican talking points that we have heard time and time again. This is obvious because you are saying things that are blatantly wrong.

It is absurd to say that free things come at a cost and necessarily result in dictatorships. People are not fleeing Cuba, China and North Korea because of the universal healthcare or education. In fact, workers tolerated the USSR for a long time because they were given excellent benefits. They are leaving because of political repression. Note that every developed country besides the United States, even though the U.S. is easily the richest nation on earth, is able to provide universal healthcare to its citizens, while still being market economies (and are not dictatorships). It is an outright lie that it is unaffordable or impossible to accomplish in the U.S., and outright right-wing propaganda.

Hispanics are coming into the United States fleeing places like Honduras and El Salvador because of gang occupation, and desperate economic conditions (which we helped to create). This is not the work of “socialism”, nor are they fleeing any socialist policies.

It is a fact that U.S. police kill more than police in any other country. They kill more than 1,100 every year. I want to say Brazil is second.

While “communist” states were obviously responsible for some genocides and deliberate political killings, the figure is not more than 100 million. That figure comes from the Black Book of Communism, and all but one author have repudiated and distanced themselves from that figure. Nazim and fascism are also not socialist at all. They are literally as far-right as you could possibly get. Do you really believe the Charlottesville white supremacists were anarchists or proponents of China or Cuba or hardcore Stalinists?

Not at all. Hitler dismantled worker’s unions and suppressed labor organizations with violence. Hitler followed a policy of wide privatization and was a staunch anti-communist.

What would an anarchist like me benefit from residing in North Korea?
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So what you're saying is that historical fact is nothing more than Republican talking points?

So you don't deny the murders that communism, socialism and the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party committed. You only mitigate number as if that makes it somehow better. You're a stooge. A sucker really is born every minute.

I value my freedom and my life far too much to even consider socialism as something even remotely better than capitalism.

Have fun living in a gulag, that is if they let you live. Typically when they're finished with useful idiots they just kill them. If they do kill you, they'll be doing it for the greater good so you got that going for you?

Really? What do you hope to accomplish? Getting free stuff from the government that was stolen from the rich? Have you crunched the numbers on that scam. You'll get about 9 months and then the rich will be flat broke. Then how will get your free healthcare then? Oh I know. You'll make slaves out of doctors. That'll work. Doctors spent exhobitant amount of time and money to become doctors but what they really want is to be forced into slavery so you can have your precious free healthcare. Slave doctors are the best kind anyway. They really appreciate working excruciatingly long hours and not having anything to show for it.

Everyone always wants to be forced to work with barely enough money to live on just for the greater good.

Those aren't Republican talking points. I'm not a Republican, I'm a Constitutionalist. I see that the Constitution is the most freeing and successful government document ever written. It's what makes people want to come to this country in droves to get away from free tuition, free healthcare and free everything.
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Do yourself a favor and turn off the FOX News, it has absolutely rotted your brain. You also appear to be incapable of listening to me.

As I have said before, other countries provide universal healthcare to their citizens. They have not exhausted the wealth of the rich, and they also do not have vast wealth inequality like we do. Their doctors also don’t describe feeling like “slaves”. We would literally save money on health costs if we switched to single-payer, but I guess you would rather unfortunate people spend the rest of their lives paying off medical debt because “freedom”.

You realize free healthcare means taxpayers take the bill, and doctors are still compensated, right? Lmao!

If you are defending the right of the rich to continue exploiting you, and gaining at the expense of your labor, then you are the stooge. Rich people dodge taxes, they cut wages and consider workers and the environment as expendable in the sight of short-term profit. It is because of the alliance of government and the rich that wages are lower today than they were 40 years ago. If you ask me, the rich are robbing you.

The Constitution is absolute garbage, and the government doesn’t even respect any freedoms guaranteed in it.

Tell me, what about the United States makes you free? Where every message, email and communication on your devices are stored illegally by the NSA, where a quarter of the world’s prison population rests in the United States, where police arrest upwards of 10 million every year, and kill 1,100 every year, and arrest young people on the suspicion of gang activity, arrest trans people on the suspicion of being prostitutes, document activists in political opposition movements in databases and interrogate and harass them, arresting homeless people for begging, urinating and sleeping in public, pulling over majority black and latinx people and robbing them because of civil forfeiture, invading homes in the name of fighting the drug war, where labor has been stripped of rights and power and employers can fire you on the spot, and you are able to make no decisions at your workplace and are at the mercy of your boss and management, where whistleblowers meet federal prosecution, where we murder people falsely convicted of crimes and the police suppress with violence any movements that challenge their authority and systemic inequality.
0 ups, 4y
Okay. I'll do a point by point so that you don't think I am ignoring you.

1. I don't watch Fox News.

2. I don't care that other countries provide universal healthcare. Universal healthcare causes long waiting lines and inferior coverage. As expenses rise coverage goes down.

Have you talked to those overworked and underpaid doctors from those countries who have universa healthcare.

Governments have no incentive to keep costs down. If costs rise so do taxes. They don't have to worry about going out of business like the private sector does.

3. I am not being exploited. I am compensated what I agreed to. If I thought my education, knowledge and skills were worth more then I shouldn't have applied for that job or accepted that job offer. If I feel like my skill level and knowledge has increased above what I am being paid I can leave and work somewhere else. However, under communism I have to work where I am told to work and I am stuck there rather I like it or not.

4. The rich can defend themselves. I am defending freedom. "Equal people are never free and free people are never equal."

There is a whole lot of mythology about rich people not paying taxes but that does not jive with IRS data. The rich pay around 85% of all taxes collected. Taxation is theft. It was socialist Woodrow Wilson who forced your progressive taxation scheme on us to control us.

If you really understood the business world you would know that good employee are NOT expendable.

I was a working adult 40 years ago. You are horribly misinformed. I am earning more money now than I was when I first started working as a software developer.

5. The Constitution is the greatest document for governance ever written by man. The fault is not in the Constitution but in evil men who crave power. And then there was the socialist infestation in our government in the early 20th century, starting with Teddy Roosevelt but the worst of it came with Woodrow Wilson who forced the income tax scheme on us and the Federal Reserve.

6. What makes me free is the Constitution when it is enforced. You can blame NSA spying on yourself. It was communist Barack Obama who forced that on us. Technology today is a socialist/communist/Nazi/fascist dream come true. They can monitor everyone and eliminate the dissidents.

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7. Why we have so many people in prison is because the Democrats obsession with power and the Progressives need to eliminate religion (specifically Christianity and Judaism) and eliminate morality. Half socialist, half idiot and 100% racist, Lyndon Johnson decided rather than lynch blacks he would manipulate them for votes. Because the majority of blacks were living in poverty he created the welfare system. The poverty rate was around 40% at the time. After almost 60 years the poverty rate is still at around 40%. Welfare just keeps people in poverty but makes them unemployed, unproductive and hopeless. In addition the Democrats have been fanning the flames of hopelessness by telling blacks that they cannot make in in "white America". That is utter nonsense and blacks are starting to realize that now.

But that only accounts for blacks. What happened when Johnson said he "would have these n******* voting Democrat for 100 year" is that welfare did the exact same thing to poor whites and the poor of every other race or ethnicity. The all adopted that sense of hopelessness.

When you instill hopelessness and take morality away you get crime and lots of it. Morality and freedom is what made America great in the first place. Not even Donald Trump understood that. You simply cannot have a prosperous nation without both. If you take one away you lose the other. If you take both away you have communism and slavery to the state.
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By the way, how did you pay for this computer or cell phone you're making your insane comments on? Does that mean that you're a capitalist? Have you fully thought things through about not being able to by things and even if you did it never belongs to you?

Also can you explain how the rich steals from the poor? If the poor don't have any money then what exactly are the rich stealing? Also if the rich sells something to a poor person then who stole from who? Wouldn't they both be stealing from each other if they were stealing at all?

Is every rich person evil? What about George Soros? Is he evil? What make a rich person evil? Is it ONLY because they have more money than you? How much more money than you constitutes a rich person? A penny?

If a person worked hard to earn that money and that money is stolen then what is the difference between a common thief and a communist. They both have good intentions for stealing that money. They both want to feed the poor. Isn't it all theft?

For that matter if slavery is defined as stealing 100% of another man's labor and not allowing him to own anything of his own then how is that any different if the government is the slave owner or an individual. Back in the days of slavery the slave owners gave their slave free healthcare because they needed them to plow the fields. What's the difference?

Just because Stalin wanted to insult Mussolini over Mussolini's version of socialism doesn't mean fascism isn't socialism. Hitler was a megalomaniac first and foremost but he used socialism to rise to power. Germany, like you, was fully committed to the idea of socialism even though Kaiser Wilhelm bankrupted the nation with his Socialist government, the Germans still blamed capitalism like good little Marxists. So when Hitler came around he left the German Socialist party and created the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS party. It was based 100% on socialism. When he was elected chancellor he may not have ruled completely like a socialist but he never would have been able to take over Germany without socialism.

Nothing good comes out of the government controlling the means of production and the total loss of all private property rights. You cannot be a socialist nation until you have those things.
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Mussolini was originally a syndicalism, but embraced the war and other syndicalists distanced themselves from him. He later repudiated his former views, and embraced his own creation: Italian fascism.

Hitler opposed socialist policies all the way and refused to embrace anything communist. There is some truth that the Nazis attempted to win support from the socialist movement by adding “Socialist” to the National German Worker’s Party, a move he initially opposed.

It is very evident that you have no idea what socialism actually is, so I’ll help you out: socialism is an egalitarian and cooperative society in which the workers themselves manage and hold the means of production in common. Tell me, how was Hitler going to accomplish this by banning labor organizations?

I’m not an advocate for government possession of the means of production, I want worker possession. All serious socialists want that.
0 ups, 4y
And what is syndicalism? It is a labor movement. What is common in all socialist/communist/Nazi/fascist movements? "Workers of the world unite".

Yes I know that Mussolini brought elements of syndicalism into socialism and called it fascism.

Once Hitler got power he stopped being a socialist. He just ruled by the seat of his pants and did whatever he wanted. But there is no doubting that socialism is what got him where he was. Socialism gave him and every other dictator everything they need to rule however they want. Socialism is setup specifically for dictatorships or oligarchies.

You only wish they would have dropped the word socialist from the name of the Nazi party but the fact is it was the socialists in Germany that voted for Hitler and put him in power. It was the socialists who kept Hitler in power.

I know you really want to separate him from who you are but you can't. What I don't understand that if Hitler was so evil because he killed 12 million people then why isn't Stalin considered more evil for killing 25 million people. He starved 1 million Ukrainian to death within one year. Then there is Mao who killed 75 million of his own people.

Even when you try to mitigate those numbers you still have genocide in the millions that you have to try to justify.

Honestly. I'm getting real tired of this. You're clearly brainwashed by socialism or communism or whatever you are. When you have to mitigate genocide just to make your political system sound acceptable then you have a serious mental defect.

I'm outta here.
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How am I capitalist for having products? I do not hire anyone, and I do not exploit anyone.

Consider the origin of private property — the enclosure acts in England. Private militaries confiscated formerly common land from self-sustaining peasants, burning down their villages and chasing them off of the land so that it could now be conceived as property. Out of private property inequality was born. The earth, through the enclosure acts in England and then colonialism, became privatized and land and resources monopolized into a few hands. This created class rule (a defining component of the capitalist system) where the propertyless masses were pitted against the propertied capitalist class. Since people could no longer sustain themselves on the land and resources, they had to sell their labor to the capitalists to be allowed any portion of it back. To this day, the working class sell their labor to the capitalists so that their labor can be reproduced: they earn just enough to survive and to return to work the next day.

People do not need to work nearly as long as they do. Some people work two jobs, some more than 60 hours a week. When you go to work, only a small fraction of your labor during the work day produces what is returned to you to reproduce your labor (your remuneration). The rest is surplus labor, where all of the rest that you produce lines your boss’ pocket.

I do not consider the “common thief” to be a criminal, especially if they are stealing to survive. Capitalism in effect produces crime because the dispossessed classes are often left out of work, or offered only low-paying jobs, and steal from or rob people in desperate attempts to support themselves and their communities.

Of course, the greatest thievery is on a grand scale: the capitalist wage system, and now global capitalism. The latter exploits the poorer nations of the global south, where our elites and their elites agree that those underdeveloped nations will adopt free market policies (with the masses being completely left out of decision making) and wealth will trickle up, enriching the elites everywhere and impoverishing workers everywhere.
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"How am I capitalist for having products? I do not hire anyone, and I do not exploit anyone."

You really don't understand capitalism at all do you? Let me explain it in the simplest terms (which is also its most complex terms). Capitalism is when one person exchanges a product, a service or money for someone else's product, service or money. That's it. It is nothing more and nothing less. That is all it will ever be. It doesn't matter what kind of mythology Marx started about capitalism when he coined the word.

If you have peaches and I want peaches in a civilized world I would offer you something that you thought was more valuable to you than those peaches. Perhaps you want oranges and I have oranges. So we strike a deal so many peaches for so many oranges.

Barter still counts as capitalism. But if you have peaches and I don't have any oranges or anything else you want then in order for me to compensate you for your peaches then some other medium of exchange was needed. That medium is money. Money represents the value that would be acceptable for the value of the peaches.

In other words NO ONE IS EXPLOITED.

Only being enslaved under a socialist/communist/Nazi/fascist regime is when a person is exploited.

Consider how private property is how we live free. I don't care about your revised history of property rights because it is absolutely wrong. Private property land ownership existed before but It was finally codified in the Magna Carta. It had nothing to do with English soldiers or private mercenaries.

Private property rights is NOT just about land. It is about our very lives. If you do not own your land, your car, your home, your computer, your family or your life then someone else does. If that someone else is evil then they can take everything because it does not belong to you.

You cannot be free without at least self ownership. And if there is self ownership then everything else has to be available to own.
0 ups, 4y
Absolutely nothing you just shared with me contains a critical thought and everything is regurgitated Republican talking points since the Cold War.

I do not consider us to be "slaves to the necessities of life", I consider us slaves to the capitalists that possess and consume a majority of the world's resources while most of the world still lives in abject poverty and regularly dies from hunger (even though there is plenty of food produced to feed everyone). For someone to start their own business, they need capital and the majority of Americans do not possess that. It is also very difficult to be successful in a market dominated by major players (four food companies produce nearly all food in the U.S.).

It is necessary to take back property and riches from the capitalists, because they were stolen from us, and labor produces everything capital enjoys. This doesn't mean we will stop producing, because obviously these resources will eventually be exhausted. Rather than producing for our employers, we should produce for ourselves to guarantee the needs of all, which is totally possible (but impossible under capitalism). You are obviously attempting to describe the Soviet Union, but you aren't being very accurate. A few famines did occur, but not because of the lack of incentive, rather because of resistance from the masses and the failure of central planning. Still, the CIA observed that the Russians had similar diets to Americans in the 1980s, so they were not constantly starving or waiting for bread as you suggest.

Many communists today will tell you the USSR wasn't actually existing socialism, and they would be correct. The proletariat did not collectivize their own workplaces, the state did that for them. Democratic centralism was inherently undemocratic, as all Soviets were Bolsheviks, all other socialist factions and resistance were suppressed. And workers were exploited by the bureaucracy. Even Stalin admitted commodity production persisted under the 'socialist' system. Lenin's aims were state capitalism, not socialism, and he said the former was a success.

True communism, like the variant that I propose, is anarchist and has no government direction whatever. A true communist society has no use for government or state violence because there is no class rule to maintain.
0 ups, 4y
Oh, yes you are. A lot.
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Republicans: America is a free country! America: