Do yourself a favor and turn off the FOX News, it has absolutely rotted your brain. You also appear to be incapable of listening to me.
As I have said before, other countries provide universal healthcare to their citizens. They have not exhausted the wealth of the rich, and they also do not have vast wealth inequality like we do. Their doctors also don’t describe feeling like “slaves”. We would literally save money on health costs if we switched to single-payer, but I guess you would rather unfortunate people spend the rest of their lives paying off medical debt because “freedom”.
You realize free healthcare means taxpayers take the bill, and doctors are still compensated, right? Lmao!
If you are defending the right of the rich to continue exploiting you, and gaining at the expense of your labor, then you are the stooge. Rich people dodge taxes, they cut wages and consider workers and the environment as expendable in the sight of short-term profit. It is because of the alliance of government and the rich that wages are lower today than they were 40 years ago. If you ask me, the rich are robbing you.
The Constitution is absolute garbage, and the government doesn’t even respect any freedoms guaranteed in it.
Tell me, what about the United States makes you free? Where every message, email and communication on your devices are stored illegally by the NSA, where a quarter of the world’s prison population rests in the United States, where police arrest upwards of 10 million every year, and kill 1,100 every year, and arrest young people on the suspicion of gang activity, arrest trans people on the suspicion of being prostitutes, document activists in political opposition movements in databases and interrogate and harass them, arresting homeless people for begging, urinating and sleeping in public, pulling over majority black and latinx people and robbing them because of civil forfeiture, invading homes in the name of fighting the drug war, where labor has been stripped of rights and power and employers can fire you on the spot, and you are able to make no decisions at your workplace and are at the mercy of your boss and management, where whistleblowers meet federal prosecution, where we murder people falsely convicted of crimes and the police suppress with violence any movements that challenge their authority and systemic inequality.