We should have graphs on our profiles for growth on Imgflip. For example, a graph to show how much you grew in points for a day, week, month, and year individually. Same thing also goes for followers, I think it would really help to see how much you have grown on imgflip.
Editing comments
Being able to make your own memes in memechat instead of having to use the ones already made.
Badges for different achievements on imgflip
Ex: 1 year, 2 year, 3 year on imgflip. Veteran Badge for being on for a while, Getting 2,000 upvotes on a meme. And if you have already done those things you get them automatically. Also I think that if that were made there should be an “achievements” page on your account where you can look at all of your achievements, and people can also go to your account and look at your achievements page.
3 submissions in the fun stream again
Adding auto approval to the fun stream so you don’t have to wait 7+ hours for an image to be approved. Also maybe a bot on fun stream approvals to automatically scan every image and see if it is appropriate or inappropriate.
The ability to create more than 10 streams
The ability to see if someone is online or offline, and if you want being able to go onto a sort of “ghost mode” so that nobody can see if you are online or offline.
That’s all I have for now, I’ll comment again if I have anymore ideas :)