I'm not judging you I swear. I just want you to see that there is hope right now. It's not perfect, but it's a start. We left, they took over, it's been largely peaceful. Those are facts. Did we ever belong there? In my opinion we did not, and certainly not after Osama was taken out. The Taliban might not be the greatest, but it is what it is and we have to let them sort it out. They should have women's rights and LGBTQ rights but that's something they have to work out for themselves, It's not our place to force them to with never-ending warfare. America is the best, freest most beautiful country to ever exist and we still haven't got it all figured out yet. Think about how hard fought women rights and civil rights were. Think about how far America has come in the last hundred years. (and how far backwards we've gone in the last few years.)Our own country needs to get women's rights and LGBTQ rights and civil rights figured out before we start insisting other countries adhere to those strict standards.
I pray every single day, especially for those I dislike the most. All of my anti-Trumping doesn't come from a place of hatred, it comes from a place of concern. Trumpism has been a never-ending assault on my values, spiritually and as an American.
I don't think I'm going to win the culture war with memes or anything, but it's pretty funny to me, and I find it therapeutic.