In truth I don't blame Barack Obama for much. He was an obvious nation-hater and professional race-agitator mentored by a succession of like minded radicals over the course of his life before he became president. The thing is that anyone who bothered to do any vetting of him back when he was a candidate could have easily discovered this for themselves.
Conservatives who did their vetting of Barry, discovered enough about him when he was still just a presidential candidate that it turned their stomachs. But then again . . . the mainstream media that openly worshipped Barack and blatantly campaigned for him -- twice -- had also vetting the leftist nation-hater . . . they just didn't tell the leftist sheeple what they uncovered.
Those are the scumbags that I blame . . . the traitorous and leftist loyal mainstream media. They are also the reason that today a dementia president is crapping all over this nation while increasingly stunned leftists are trying like hell to blame Trump for Biden's endless screw-ups.