And yet...
Communists are still controll Hollywood,
The left still hates Jew and boycotts Israel,
The Dixie Chicks are still performing,
Colin Kaepernick canceled himself by sucking at football,
Critical Race Theory is racist and Marxist and it still being taught in schools,
The Unions still exist. They still have all of the "organizing rights" they have always had.
The Black Panthers came and went in the 60's. The New Black Panthers "hate all crackers, they hate every iota of a cracker".
Howard Zinn's "The People's History of the United States" has somehow been accepted as fact and yet there is not one single reference or footnote in the entire book. His book is in complete contradiction with known and provable historical fact. He should have been canceled by actual historians decades ago but he wasn't.
Trans-Atheltes still compete although it is extremely unfair and, depending on the sport, dangerous for biological males to compete against biological females. They should complete their own biological gender. On average men are about 40% stronger then women. That applies to men with gender dysphoria and men who can't make it competing against other men so the pretend to be a woman. Oh but that would never ever happen, would it?
Katie Hill? Some conservatives accused her of cheating on her husband and you get all bent out of shape over that after EVERYTHING you guys say about every single even slightly conservative politician??????
Delta? You mean Delta Airlines? Be more specific because Delta Airlines is still around.
Liz Cheney is still around.
The NFL hasn't cancelled a single game (with the exception of the pandemic).
When you want to talk about cancelling then you need to show where a leftist got fired just because of their political opinions. That is what cancelling is. Leftists NEVER get cancelled unless the public outcry is just far too great. Look how long it took to get Andrew Cuomo to resign and sexual harassment is the least of his crimes. Look how long Harvey Weinstein held onto his job before finally some Hollywood leftist had the courage to come forward.
If leftists got cancelled like conservatives do then Biden wouldn't be president. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube would be censoring and "punishing" leftists for spreading leftist propaganda. The only ones left in Hollywood would be Bruce Willis, Kelsey Grammar, James Woods, Kevin Sorbo, Chuck Norris and about 10 other actors.