I agree that the messaging in the US has definitely been sh*t with far too many politicians politicizing both covid and the vaccine such that many people don't know who or what to believe and trust. Compared to Canada, the US' response has been a disaster.
In Canada, where they have universal health care, all political parties came together and delivered the same consistent messaging: Covid was a highly contagious virus affecting everyone differently and can be lethal to those of advanced age and/or underlying health issues. They then turned full power over to the medical experts for all later messaging.
They literally shut down all non-essential businesses across the country between March - May 2020, providing $2000 p/m checks to those who couldn't go to work. In June, as non-essential businesses reopened, mask wearing was mandated for all indoor environment with limits placed on the number of people who could be inside a store at any given time. Movie theaters, sports stadiums, concert halls, etc all remained closed, however, as no large gatherings were permitted anywhere. Restaurants all ran at 50% capacity and limited 6 people per table. At one point, even non-essential travel between different health districts was not permitted without good reason.
Those protocals remained in place for an entire year, until June 2021 when mask wearing was no longer required if vaccinated and people were once again allowed to gather and travel, due to the high percentage of vaccinated citizens. Canada currently leads the world in highest percentage of citizens vaccinated with over 80% of 12+ having received at least one dose and 72% being fully vaxxed. That country is scheduled to completely reopen by September 1st.
There's a reason why the US with only 9 times greater population than Canada has 26x the number of Covid cases and 24x the number of Covid per capita than Canada. They did things right. The US didn't.