Well . . . right now the Delta variant is infecting the fully vaccinated in huge numbers; although supposedly in them it is generated the symptoms of a mild cold. There is another variant already in the pipeline that even the vaccine manufacturers have admitted is going to just sneer at the current vaccines on the market.
So it kind of makes one wonder why -- mostly hysterical leftists -- are pumping these experimental drugs into their bodies in the first place and also why THEIR government is insisting that they get innoculated for variants that are going to rip right through those innoculations.
That's assuming any of those numbers can be trusted in the first place.
PCR cant' distinguish between Covid and the flu. So even less can it test for variants.
2 ups, 4y
Yes . . . currently the number claims are a bit suspect. Why such huge numbers all of a sudden? Is it only because Biden has deliberately and maliciously released hordes of COVID infected illegal aliens across this nation? Or is our own government lying like hell to us again?
Exactly. Which is an admission - as uncompromised doctors know - that in past they have NOT distinguished between the two. Which is WHY you had a magical 98% drop in flu deaths.
Which that lying sack Tony Fauci tried to credit to masks - even though he himself had always said previously they were not even worth bothering with. Like somebody said, masks stop viruses like chain link fences stop mosquitoes (and that droplet stuff is mostly total crap).
Which means their ENTIRE body of "covid death" stats is built on a massive lie.
I won't bother explaining their historic massaging of cycle counts, as that tends to go over the heads of many. But remember this:
The "NEW" tests are now claimed to be able to, and they'll implement them - now that both Bill Gates and George Soros have invested themselves fully into the company without tipping their hands too obviously.
Oh aye. In truth I have got absolutely no problem with people getting these vaccines because either they actually believe that they help in some way or because they have to get the injections in order to keep their job. It's the trying to ram it down the throats of objectors that bothers the hell out of me.