You’ve use that word a lot lately, “help.” I do not think it means what you think it means.
I would suggest instead that what you’re doing is hleping. It’s a term typically associated with overbearing mothers-in-law who insert themselves into family matters unwanted and unannounced.
You may have found “constitutional defects” that support Owner meddling and were useful in retrofitting a justification for certain actions you’d already taken, but most people around here didn’t seem too impressed. Perhaps we’ll get around to fixing them.
In the meantime, there’s a very simple way of finding out what people really want, how to make sure help doesn’t turn into hlep.
You make a public proposal. You air the arguments in full. You take a vote. And then you act, or not, depending on how the vote went. That’s the spirit of democracy — not legalistic wrangling over constitutional text.
An impeachment trial for IG would have followed the same lines and, if it carried support, would have been proper and no doubt constitutional.
We appreciate your help in moderating this stream from the TOS violations and abuses which have plagued it for months. However, as you can see the stream has a fierce independent streak and doesn’t take kindly to high-handed power grabs.