Oh yes, it was positively horrific! Guns blazing, RPGs and mortars going off everywhere, and was that a massive battle ax being swung down at some officer?
Just kidding.
Yes, I saw some footage of soyboys wearing pajamas having a tug of war with some more soyboys in police / cyclist uniform. Both sides was was tugging for control of a measly little barrier. I looked hard for guns, and I am somewhat trained in spotting weapons, and I saw none. I heard the theatrical cursing, no shortage of F words. Some soyboy with tattoos and a nike hoody (one must question why a true MAGA follower would wear nike after their support of Kaepernick) picked up a phone, and for more theatrical purposes spoke threats into it involving Pelosi and Pence. Hmm, maybe they just have a thing against people who's last name starts with P. Anyways I doubt he actually called anyone, he couldn't possibly know the actual number to call, and he didn't wait for the recorder to give the list of what button to push for whom. I doubt it is a phone that just calls one section only. And I saw the little gallows that looked like it would break if someone did a pull up from it. By the way there was no battle ax being swung, just what looked to be a microphone.
Honestly if it wasn't for the cheap MAGA gear I would possibly think it's Black Friday shoppers. People have been bruised, knocked down, and even killed in those events too.
I shouldn't have watched the footage, it was more elaborate imagining it based off of Astrovius's description. They had a gallows, no weapons, and some soyboy attempting to make a spectacle of himself by saying to the cheering mob that they are going to go in and get them (the politicians) and hang them. So by that they was ready to execute. However making a statement and intent is two very different things. I doubt they had the intent. If they did where was the guns? The nerve of that guy, probably thinks he's got the nation trembling. Kick him in the balls if he has any and move on to the next soyboy.
It's pathetic.