besides breaking things...lie, cheat and God, turn your back on NATURE, celebrate spoiled no talent celebrities....while calling your misery, ....happiness...
1 up, 4y,
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OK. So can we fund our schools again or is that going to upset you as bringing back socialism as usual?
I have no symptoms, I am healthy as a horse, and have immunity.
And just exactly who the f**k are you to ask me to do anything?
1 up, 4y,
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Unless you've literally taken a test every two weeks, you have no way of knowing how many people you've spread the disease to, and your complaints about school closures are invalid until you do your part.
Since I pay hefty school taxes I have every right to complain.
And then"SCIENCE" you clowns constantly harp about dictates that there is next to zero chance of the children being spreaders if the virus nor dieing from it.
I do my part. They need to their part and get off their Union asses and go back to indoctrinating the children.
1 up, 4y,
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Well, then argue with the OP because the discussion here is on the value of education and you don't value it.