Hi vBackman! Nice to hear from you. Thanks for thinking of me, it's nice to know someone out there cares! Very nice indeed... I am doing well, and my health is improving, but I do have to work at it. The keys for me are basically just living a healthy lifestyle. This includes taking proper medication, healthy diet, getting enough exercise, sleep, etc. I assume you know the drill. In addition, for the time being, I'm under closer medical supervision,which includes plenty of doctors appointments and such. Unfortunately the result is I now seem to have less free time. Whereas before, I would think nothing of frittering away countless hours meming, I now seem to be on a somewhat tighter schedule. I will still continue to meme, albeit a little less frequently- at least for now. Thanks again for inquiring about me vB, it means alot to me.Keep up the great meming! And then of course there is also my classified government work I told you about- on that secret device that will one day "beam" Libtards to the center of the sun...