Counting and a forensic audit are two different things. If there are 100 paper votes counted - of course you’re going to get 100 back. If 70 went to Biden and 30 to Trump - still equals 100, follow so far? You will always COUNT to 100.
The computer that tallied up said votes could be manipulated, hence forensics. What if 1 of every 2 Trump votes went to Biden? A paper count wouldn’t see that - a forensic audit would. It’s not always about computers and networks in this case - they are also looking at the paper the ballots were printed on. Another thing not evaluated during a “count”.
Noticed how democrats are okay with a “count” but deny forensic? That’s because they are different. Do you want a true democracy? One that is for the people, by the people? If so, you’d want faith restored in voting.
Things like no ID and mail-in voting are far from giving me any comfort in a legitimate election moving forward. But, the democrats want to win. Period - and fraud does just that. Allows them to win at any cost.