No no, "lots of other countries" is not an answer. That is like me saying 10+10 equals a number. An actual country's name, a specific example of a law....this is what we all need to hear. Which country has done more for blacks than America? China? Britain? India? Mexico? Peru? I do not know of any such country. And second, the US has given blacks equal rights, the past transgressions are over and buried. The problem is folks now want equal outcomes without getting the education or putting in the hard work necessary. That will never happen. Or they want "more rights" than other people have. Again, will not happen. If I give you a laptop and you use it to build a million dollar web empire, that is fine, you earned it. If I give you a laptop and you use it to watch porn and kitten videos all day, sorry you don't get to be a millionaire. But it's your choice, no one oppressed you.