Who gives a shit about a tires plus in Minneapolis? The fact that you can compare the captial building to a tire plus, or a Wendy's, is f**king laughable. Stay in school, kids.
Who f**king cares about a Wendy's, or a tires plus? I really dont think either of those locations were holding proceedings to conduct business for the Governemnt of the United States. But, keep screaming BLM.
And f**k Minneapolis, and f**k New York, and f**k Los Angeles, and f**k Miami, and f**k Nashville, and f**k Salt Lake City, and f**k Cleveland, and f**k Raleigh, and f**k Louisville, and f**k Atlanta, and f**k Dallas?
That last post about Portland does nothing for your arguement. Federal governemnt business was not being conducted in those buildings. Those are courthouses, not the Captial building.
Oh no, they couldn't conduct bankruptcy court for some fatcat.
Those building certainly were certifying the election...
Once again, you are using Portland as the hill you are going to die on? Portland was anarchy for 6 months, but you want to defend the shithole, and keep posting stories from a shithole.
Do you have a comfortable drivers seat on those goalposts, because you keep moving them around like it's a job.
Your comment is directly below, would you care to read it again....maybe turn your brain on this time.
First it's the business of the citizens of the United States, now it's only Federal business.....well, one of the buildings was a Federal courthouse.....is that FEDERAL enough for you?
What's more, the courthouse had people inside that the rioters had barricaded inside.....no attempted murder charges were ever filed.