The Empire has 2 Death Stars in canon and a massive star fleet
But the Imperium has WAY more ships and many of those ships can order Exterminatus, which is the cleansing of all life on a planet, but it doesn’t blow up the planet. Unless you were to throw a moon at the planet. Plus, the Imperium has super soldiers that withstand rockets and could rip apart an AT-AT.
A bolter that a Space Marine would have is basically a grande launcher and the lasgun that the billions of guardsmen carry can easily kill you in 1-2 shots if unarmored and not a marine. And considering how weak stormtrooper armor is, it won’t stand a chance against lasgun fire. But blasters can kill a person in one shot if aimed correctly, since they melt the insides of the target.
If the Empire were to appear in the 40k universe, they wouldn’t last long due to how hostile the 40k universe is. If the Imperium were to appear in the SW universe (Canon, not Legends), they could take Coruscant in a few years, decades, centuries or millennia, depending on where they start off and if they were to somehow adopt alien technology, which doesn’t seem likely since the Imperium is very xenophobic but will ally with some factions sometimes.