There are 8.6M registered voters in Pennsylvania
4.1M Democrats, 3.3M Democrats and 1.2M OtherParties
50 Pennsylvania State Senators are paid $88.6K per year
201 Pennsylvania State House members are paid $87.2K per year
Pennsylvanians pay $21.9M a year for 251 State Legislators; Pennsylvania taxpayers shelled out over $4M in lawsuits over voter rights in the 2020 election
Pennsylvanians paid millions for 1 statewide audit for the 2020 Primary Election
and 1 statewide election audit for the 2020 General Election
Now the Republican Majority wants another audit with an unqualified auditor
to produce the outcome they want in the 2020 General Election
Hasn’t Pennsylvania taxpayers paid out enough? Pennsylvania Senate has 28 Republicans, 21 Democrats and 1 Independent
Pennsylvania House has 203 Republicans,
90 Democrats and 2 vacant seats
Pennsylvania Democrats can flip 12 House seats and 8 Senate seats to regain the majority