Fact: We wouldn't even be arguing over my intentionally ridiculous joke claim if you hadn't been an аsshоІе to Anti Anime General Grant in the first place.
Fact: It IS a conspiracy theory, because subliminal messaging only works on pre-existing desires. Therefore, even if your theory is correct, we would say we like anime because we like anime.
Ah, so now you're changing your claim from subliminal messaging to brainwashing and mind control, which are completely different from subliminal messaging and each other.
Sounds like you're running out of effective arguments.
Fact: Anime is evil, and all people have done at least SOMETHING bad in their lives, so the subliminal messaging appeals to the memories of that experience and uses it as a seed to spread corruption throughout the mind.
Fact: That's not how subliminal messaging works. It appeals to a desire to do something, not a memory of an experience.
Also fact: You cannot claim that an ART STYLE is evil. That's like saying 'Pop Art is evil'.
Also also fact: You're making yourself sound stupider every time you try to explain your garbage theory.