Quite right, LGBTQ+ minorities unfortunately don't have rights at all in the Middle East, Africa and certain Asian countries, they are brutally persecuted just for being suspected of being gay. Unfortunately LGBTQ+ people in the west don't seem to care about how LGBTQ+ people in the 3rd world are being treated, LGBTQ+ people in the west seem to only care about their own 1st world problems, trivial things such as people having political disagreements with them. Also, multinational corporations dress themselves in rainbow flags every year in June but these corporations never promote such symbolism in the Middle East because of course anything to do with LGBTQ+ minorities is strictly forbidden in those countries. If a corporation ever tried flying a rainbow flag in Saudi Arabia, that would be very bad for business. People think that "rainbow capitalism" is good for normalizing LGBTQ+ minorities but the thing is, these corporations only do it in countries were being gay is already normalized, no corporation would ever try to stand up for LGBTQ+ minorities in the Middle East, they would get in big trouble. Corporations don't care about anyone, they just care about making a profit no matter how badly people are treated.