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Octillery6504 (68779)
Joined 2018-10-14
I support LGBTQ+ rights. If you have a problem with that, fuck off.
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-_- in LGBTQ_too
0 ups, 5mo
These hyper-religious people wouldn't understand reason if it danced naked in front of them while reciting the Bee Movie script.
Blank White Template in The_Christian_memes
0 ups, 5mo
I am here (admittedly 3 years late) to apologize on behalf of the LGBTQ stream. For the raids, for the gay content spam, and for the immense divide that I caused. I have recently been blocked by said stream for confessing to pretending to be hacked by a homophobic Christian because I was "spreading drama" by bringing up something that happened four years ago. I want to make it clear that that wasn't my intention at all, and that I want to try and heal the divide I have caused between us.
About Anonymous... in LGBTQ
0 ups, 6mo
Sometime in 2020, fear and confusion were spread upon this stream when I was supposedly "hacked" by an anonymous Christian supremacist. Truth is, I never was hacked. It was an act to try and convice the stream that Christians hated us. And it worked. However, I never did get an opportunity to fess up, or rather, never got around to it.

I am not making this comment to go on a bender about how my little PR stunt sparked the flames of a stream war that I was immediatley reminded of when I saw a rule about stream wars. I'm not making this comment to try and jusitfy what I did. There are probably people who are going to try and do that for me, then I have a piece of advice: don't.

The reason that I have decided to make this statement is a rather simple one, and that is to make amends for what I did, as I decided that the old comments don't represent the kind of person I want to be in life. The truth is that I actually used to be somewhat homophobic before 2020. I was deeply ashamed of that, and I wanted to atone for my past wrongs. However, I ended up overdoing things to a degree that even I couldn't have forseen. I became the exact opposite type of insufferable.

I had since come to realize that we can't make te world a better place by rejecting different ideas, and that deleting my posts from the Imgflip War would be the same as denying that it ever happened. We shouldn't tell someone their opinion is wrong. And even if someone does have an objectively wrong opinion, you can't use reason to talk them out of that belief if they didn't use reason to come to that conclusion.

I would like to apolpgize for everything I caused as a direct result of my actions, and I want you to know that if you type something out and it feels a little to good to hit send, hit delete instead.
Inclusion in politics
0 ups, 1y
LGBTQ included?
It does no good to trash one woke brand and replace it with another. in politics
1 up, 2y
Whatever it takes for you to overcome alcoholism😊😊😊