Liberal leadership at its finest and its take of what is more important.
Is it the 48 mostly young Black men that were shot last weekend in democrat-controlled Chicago? Naw! Not an issue....that is normal!
Was it that the 10 who had died were Blacks......most, if not all of them young Black men (shot to death by other young Black men)?
Naw! Not a problem....just some young Black men of Chicago going about their business as usual!
Then what is a problem or the problem?
Well! You see the real problem is that I MUST speak to minority reporters ONLY on the 2nd anniversary of my lawless reign!
And I also plan to ban them thar guns that them thar law abiding citizens have....but I will leave them thar young Black men with them thar guns, so that they can continue to downsize each other in them thar drug gangs!
Hmmmm! Real smart liberal policies when you think about it! You go uummmm....girl!