Our stream rules explain our policy on hate speech — it isn’t limited to racism but encompasses other forms of bigotry, harassment, spam, other abuses, and plain old misinformation that is easily corrected with a 5 second Google search.
Example: If you want to assert that Trump actually won the 2020 election, contrary to the certification procedures of 50 states, the constitutional vote of the Electoral College, and the rulings of dozens of judges from both parties, you can’t do that here.
You might be able to say that on the politics stream, but not here.
We have a stricter outlook and it makes our stream different and appealing to our members to the point we now have 500 followers.
The original founder of PoliticsTOO reminds us every now and then that he wanted it to be STRICTLY left-wing only, but newer mods (myself included) have “watered that down” and we do permit civil, respectful conservative comments that are backed by solid reasoning. We even have a couple mods who describe themselves as Republican.
Your SN does not ring a bell tbh. I checked my mod logs and it turns out I have deleted 3 of your comments. I confess I cannot recall the context, but that is far fewer deleted comments than others who have trolled the stream. You are nowhere near being stream-banned on my radar.
Tl;dr we do not lump all right-wingers together. We independently evaluate and judge every comment and every memer.