Let's see...Democrats had a slavery based economy, and fought a civil war to preserve it. Upon losing, Democrats prevented blacks from voting and achieving economic independence during Reconstruction. They created the KKK to enforcement the black race's submission. Of course there were Democrat segregation and Jim Crow laws for blacks to submit to. The Democrats fostered The Great Society upon the black community and succeeded creating the welfare state and fatherless black homes. Then Joe Biden, Democrat, wrote the Senate part of the 1994 Crime Bill, signed by Democrat Bill Clinton, the bill that became the basis for imprisoning more blacks then any other race per capita and for longer sentences, and militarized the police departments across the nation.
Both of those issues happen to be a partial basis of the BLM agenda. So yes, I do agree there is systemic racism. But wait, there's more! Cities run by systemic racist Democrats have continued to have the highest number of black on black crimes- from robbery to rape to murder- for decades. And today, Democrat cities are defunding the police and creating an explosion of black on black crime. I would call it in total state sponsored BLACK ON BLACK GENOCIDE. THEN we have illegal immigrants flooding the country, under a Democrat's presidency, who will take tens of thousands of jobs from blacks. For dishonorable mention, The BLACK GENOCIDE continues under the creation of a racist, Margarette Sanger, the creator of Planned Parenthood, that has continued for decades to slaughter black infants at rates greater than any other race per capita. THAT is only the tip of the Democrat party's system racism.