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The Bible vs. Zionist Conspiracy & Other Forms of Antisemitism.

The Bible vs. Zionist Conspiracy & Other Forms of Antisemitism. | image tagged in theology,bible,scriptures,christian theology,khazar conspiracy,traditional catholics | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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It is complicated. On one hand antisemitism is bad. On the other hand Israel needs to be taught that their treatment of Palestinians is unacceptable.
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Hi Failure51.

I do not know all of the controversy with Israel's treatment of the Palestinians but this I know. Hamas in their charter refuses to recognize Israel as a state and worse, would not stop fighting until the Jewish state & people is eliminated:

"'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)"

Also, according to JihadWatch, the PLO returned to it's 1964-74 Charter expressing the same mission to eliminate the state of Israel

Given the nature of guerilla warfare and terrorism, making it extremely difficult as it is to identify friend from foe, the Israelis must take every precaution which often meant restricting Palestinian movement

Lastly, have you ever heard of Palltywood? There are so many instances of Palestinian militants faking human rights violations that a word was coined after it.
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Hamas killed around four civilians. Israel killed far more than that.
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No, Hamas only managed... to kill 4 because Israel has the effectual Iron Dome missile defense system. If Israel did not have that, then Hamas would have killed a lot more.

Also, please do not ignore what it says in their charter. They clearly believe that the messiah will not come until the Jews are destroyed. It is not just part of their political worldview but their religious worldview as well. That quoted they've made came from the Qu'ran (Arguably taken off context, but nevertheless taken from Qu'ran 2:191).

The only reason why they would not fulfill that is because Israel is too strong militarily, the international community will see them for who they are, and the United States will come to aid Israel along with its other allies.
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If they have an awesome defense system why do they need to kill innocents?
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You're assuming that they want to kill innocent people.

To be fair I could easily say the same thing about Hamas and like-groups, However, the difference is this, Israel does not have a charter expressing their desire to kill Muslims in order to rid them from the land, but Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PLO, does.
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We should look at motives but we should also look at end results. The math is clear that the IDF kills more innocents. Seeing as the IDF kidnap people at night for taking part in peaceful protests their motives aren't that great either.
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The answer is not that simple.

The IDF accuses Hamas and like-terrorists of hiding amongst the civilian population. They fire rockets on school grounds, use people as human shields, and store and transport weapons and ammunition in civil areas.

I can find surveillance footages of said terrorists doing just that.

Israel have taken great pains to avoid civilian casualties by using precision munitions which are far more expensive than unguided rockets and bombs. They have also called them informing them that they will destroy the building where they reside or work.

Israel was the first in doing that.
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Sorry, I've confused the quote with another. It is in the Hadith, Muhammad's other writings.
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wait didn´t the romans crucify JC?
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Hi thatONEguywhoknowsstuff

Yes the Romans did, but they wouldn't have done it had the Jews, driven by the Elders, not compelled Pilate to do so (Matthew 27:22-25 & John 19:12).

Peter makes it clear their guilt:

12 And when Peter saw it he addressed the people: “Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk?
13 The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his servant[b] Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release him.
14 But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, 15 and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.
- Acts 3
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but wasn´t he jewish too?
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Yes, Jesus was definitely Jewish, but that notion alone is not a prohibitor. In the Mosaic law death sentences were carried out for anyone committing heinous sins and blasphemies. Since He was charged with a blaspheme of making Himself equal to God He was condemned to death (Matthew 26:63-66)
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wait that´s how they managed to get him arrested? makes sense...almost
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It does make sense, if He did blaspheme. But as we know Jesus is God which is evidenced in the OT (Genesis 1:26, Psalms 2:12, Isaiah 9:6, 44:6)
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but it still doesn´t make much sense to me
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OK, I don't quite understand you. Can you please explain to me why it doesn't make sense to you?
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well he was jewish and that isn´t and excuse but the romans crucified him and then the jewish people got blamed
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It is like me, telling a friend of mine to kill my enemy. My friend physically killed that enemy with any means of his choosing, but I was the one who told him to do it. In this case not only he is guilty of murder, but so am I for telling him to do it on my behalf.

But with Pilate he didn't want to kill Jesus but he was made to do it because if he did not:

1. A riot or a rebellion would ensue (Matthew 27:22-25)
2. And that if word reached Caesar that Pilate believed Jesus was king then Pilate would be considered as a traitor (John 19:12). Such an act would typically mean a death sentence.

As for those who did the physical act of crucifixion the Roman soldiers must obey orders. The Roman army is known for its skill and discipline, that, any act of disobedience may not result in execution but nevertheless punishment would be quite harsh.

Ex. Decimation

Both Pilate and the Romans technically are guilty of killing Him but Jesus said to Pilate:

10 So Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?”
11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.”
- John 19 ESV
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so what you are saying is the people who didn´t believe he was God´s son who were also jewish told Pilate to crucify him and because Jesus was seen as a threat to the roman empire he kinda had to do it so he found a way to arrest him and then crucify him. is that right?
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The charge of blaspheme?
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no the other stuff
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"so what you are saying is the people who didn´t believe he was God´s son who were also jewish told Pilate to crucify him and because Jesus was seen as a threat to the roman empire he kinda had to do it so he found a way to arrest him and then crucify him. is that right?"

Yes, but that was more of an act of blackmailing than a legitimate accusation of treason if he did not give the order to execute. Jesus never advocated to the Jews that they should make Him king of Israel, and to Pilate, when he asked Jesus "Are you king of the Jews"? Jesus answered him "My kingdom is not of this world...." Jesus acknowledged that He is king, but His kingdom is not to be found in this world.

It don't matter the actual truth of Jesus' Kingship when word reaches to the Roman authorities that Pilate hailed Jesus as king he will be endanger of being himself executed. Their threat to Pilate is blackmail. If he did not execute Jesus then they will tell the higher Roman authorities.

I must go, but I'll talk to you later.
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That Jesus was crucified or that He was God?
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no who crucified him and that stuff
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You're saying that it doesn't make sense that they crucified Him?
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no i mean WHO crucified him
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bro, i love your position on this. hmu
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Hi snekebekeliek, you say you loved my position on zionist conspiracy, but your meme seemed to say otherwise. Which one is true?
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the one above?
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Ok, I'm glad to hear it. So your meme you've presented is simply a joke, yes?
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Revelation 2:9, 3:9; John 8:44; Matthew 3:7-10; Jeremiah 11 among others. then there’s the historical fact that around the time of the Maccabean revolts the Edomites, Arabs and the other inhabitants of the Roman province of Judea were forced under threat of death to convert to Judaism. Those converts eventually became the Pharisees, then murdered Jesus (“may his blood be on us and on our children!” they demanded), then founded modern Rabbinical Judaism, founded Zionism, sparked two world wars to get their nation-state, practice usury to finance all of it, infiltrated every country in the world and actively plot their demise, and are actively engaging in genocide as we speak of all Europeans using cultural marxism, forced immigration, miscegenation and political propaganda. I don’t believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people at all because of all the mayhem and wickedness they continue to push on the rest of the world. Even a Rabbi said himself that their god is Lucifer.

I haven’t even mentioned the secret societies they created or commandeered, their holy book or the Noahide laws. that’s a whole other angle on it by itself.

sorry for the textual diarrhea... this is something i’m passionate about. lol
see the website below for the legal definition of genocide under international law.
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there’s also the really important distinction that needs to be made, and that is the difference between the Israelites and the Jews. only one of them is God’s chosen people.
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What I mean is, if the Bible was biased towards the Jews, then it wouldn't include marring and scandalous details that can easily be used against them, but would have been taken as a work of propaganda.

This isn't the case.

You read the bible, and it presents a far more negative image of the Jews than any would be comfortable with.

While there's an obvious benefit to being called the chosen people of God, which places them above all people in anyone's mind, there is also a negative aspect of it as well. Why, because unlike the un-elected nations, they bear the heavy responsibility of representing God's righteousness (Isaiah 42:6). It is through them that God used
to demonstrate His goodness before the world.

For that responsibility, they are blessed materialistically, as a show of how God can bless nations who trust and obey Him. However, they are more severely punished if they disobey Him (Deuteronomy 28).

Now recall how unflattering their history is in scripture.... they've failed in that responsibility far more than they did in bearing it faithfully (Psalms 106 & Romans 2:17-24).

The Jews were never chosen because they were better in terms of numbers or worth, in fact, He had said they're a "Stiff-necked people", but God simply chose them to affect His will (Deuteronomy 7:7-9, 9:6-18, & Romans 9:16).

Arguably, God chose the least of the people-group to demonstrate His grace, meaning: undeserved kindness.

SCRIPTURE REFERENCE LINK (Excluding Deuteronomy 28 as it is too long):
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The controversy began with Shlomo Sand with his book, "Inventing the Jewish People" (2009) in which he claimed, through DNA research, that the Ashkenazi which the majority of the worlds Jewry are really descendents of the Khazars, a Turkic people who've converted to Judaism and moved from the kingdom of Khazaria to Eastern and Central Europe.

This presented a number of problems, not only because it contradicted common understanding that the Jews from the maternal standpoint were from Europe, but also brought an excuse for anti-semites to hate the Jews without... being rightly called, "Antisemitic".

While there is some credence to the narrative (after all, there were such a people of Khazaria), in my mind there are a host problems with the conclusion.

First of all, why were most of the Ashkenazi look more European than Khazarian?

Second, if they were Khazarian then there must be visible, cultural traits that wouldn't be original to Jews such as dress, practices, and customs, but nothing was noticed even by the proponents of of the narrative.

Third, according to the critics of the narrative, there were no records of the Khazarian conversion to Judaism.

The Truth: new DNA findings published in Nature Magazine (Oct. 8 2013), proved otherwise. Thus, the Ashkenazim retained their Jewishness.

1. "Are the Ashkennazi Jews Descended from Khazars?" By Sara Ivry
July 3, 2014 • 12:30 PM The Tablet Magazine
2. "Genetic Roots of the Ashkenazi Jews" By Kate Vandell form The Scientists published October 8 2013
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Without a doubt, yes. In Genesis 17:7-8 it says that not only God’s covenant with Israel is eternal, for them to be His people, but also the land of Canaan to be forever theirs.

Despite the second covenant, there was an argument given by the fringes of the Orthodox Jewish community that claimed that in order for the Jews to rightfully own the promised land again, the Messiah must first come. Since that has yet to happen the Jews cannot legally return and build for them a sovereign state.

However, there is no scriptural precedent. God raised warrior prophets like Gideon and Samson in the book of Judges, but there were no examples of such deliverers leading Israel from captivity. Instead, Jewish exile ended by the Persian King Cyrus of whom the Lord stirred his heart to do (Ezra 1:1-4).

The last two objections may be used against the Israeli statehood. One is that the Jews remained disobedient or were not pious enough while the second is that because they have yet to accept Jesus as their Messiah. Neither views are supported in scripture.

If either one or both were the case then God would not allow the Jews return as He had when Israel had sinned against the Lord in the wilderness by not going up to enter into the promised land (Numbers 14). Yet, the opposite is true.


The Balfour Accord, or the Balfour Mandate of 1917 was granted to the Zionist Jews who concluded that the only place the Jews could find lasting peace and safety is to return to Israel. This Accord, given by the British Empire, is akin to Cyrus king of the Persian empire.

And so, immigration began, but so also persecution as the Arab residents resented Jewish immigration. Beginning in 1923, they began to commit acts of terrorism which included bombings, sniping, and mass murder.

This culminated in the 1948 war for independence when the British decided to leave and the Jews declared statehood. Arab insurgents along with five Arab armies from their respective states waged an all out war against the Jews but in the end, the Jews emerged the victor.

After 1,878 years in exile, the Jews not only returned to the land of promise but became a sovereign state. Many more wars were fought for its survival (i.e.: the Yom Kippur War 1973) but the Jewish state remained to this day.
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