When one is more invested in trying to pull off a sham/scam that supports their political party rather than upholding highly principled positions of honesty and ethics first and foremost, one tends to overlook the fine print in the legal contracts they sign. Hence the AZ GOP Senate's current conundrum.
Good call by the Secretary of State of Arizona to declare that all voting machines, etc, Cyber Ninjas gained access to must be decommissioned and replaced in Maricopa County as the legal "chain of custody" has been broken, as they've never been designated to be an accredited and highly trained electoral auditor. Rather, the CEO himself, is a highly partisan pro-Trump, 'Stop the Steal, Q'Anon supporter and conspiracy theorist.
Since AZ Senate President, Frann, signed a contract with Maricopa County that contained a clause stipulating the Senate would be financially responsible for covering the costs of any damages to their machines, the fact they're now rendered to be comprised and in need of replacement for security reasons (which the Dept of Homeland Security entirely concurs with) means the AZ GOP just cost their citizens $6.5 million dollars - rather than the mere $150K they paid for their highly partisan BS 'audit'.
Here's a copy of the SoS's letter to Maricopa County advising them all the machines that transfered to Cyber Ninja's - under Orders by Arizona's GOP Senate - need to be rendered obsolute for security reasons and the cost of replacing such - based on another legal document - is $6.5 million.