Well, isn't that convenient? They will get on the issue once men are on planes/boats headed towards certain doom, while cultist feminists like you slide into the ass-groove on their computer chair.
How 'bout this, then: Not that the 'wage gap' is real (if it was real companies would only hire women since it would save them money paying people less to do the same job a man could do), but I'm sure it exists in your head, so we'll go under the assumption that it's real. If it was real, how about instead of actually addressing the issue overall, we just have a hotline to call once a woman is being evicted - That sound good?
That's sexist?
Sounds a lot like your stance on the draft - Does it not?
But women are different, and that's not sexist, right?
Also, please don't copy/paste a response. I know you have to consult your cult handbook anytime you see something that has the danger of making you think critically, but you have this weird thing between your ears that allows you to have freewill and self-determination (again: It's extremely weird) - I'd really appreciate it if you started using it, and I'm sure everyone around you would too.
But, the funny thing is (well there's lots of funny things about these kinds of conversations with people who are part of a hate group cult), I'm sure you view me as an 'enemy' because that's what the cult dictates you view anyone as who makes you question your allegiance to the cult, but in this short exchange I've become a better friend to you than any of your fellow cult-members combined, simply because I'm trying to get you to accept the truth for what it is, and what you know it is, but you've gotten so used-to accepting as 'the truth' it's hard to come back from. Your fellow cult-members want people who are subservient and obey orders without question - They're also enthusiastic about enlisting people with mental issues, 'cuz those people are easier to control. But, hey - Feminism (and you) are entirely admirable, right?
Anywho, reality will be right here where you left it if/when you choose you want to acknowledge it again. In the meantime, consult your cult handbook on how you should respond to this - I'm sure there's something you can copy pasta that will ensure that you don't have to acknowledge anything I said above...