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GOP officials soon to discover corruptly aligning with Trump for self preservation leads to their downfall

GOP officials soon to discover corruptly aligning with Trump for self preservation leads to their downfall | A PERSON OFTEN MEETS HIS DESTINY... ON THE ROAD HE CHOSE TO AVOID IT | image tagged in jean de la fontaine,philosophy,gop ignorance,political corruption,self serving interests,trump cult | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 3y,
2 replies
Go watch Biden sniff children.
3 ups, 3y,
3 replies
Seriously? How come the man has been in politics for almost 50 years but the first time in history there's been any mention of the foregoing as to any unseemly behaviour regarding such is when he ran for and actually gained the Presidency. Has it not occurred to you that this is merely just a smear tactic perpetrated by political dirty tricksters from the GOP to try to deligitimize him?
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Why would I ever want to do that? Your user name alone demonstrates you're more interested in a partisan agenda and trying to 'own the libs' rather than actually trying to gain any understanding about alternative perspectives. No thanks.
1 up, 3y,
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you could just say you're afraid, later skippy
0 ups, 3y
Not afraid. Just think it would be an aggravating rather than rewarding experience.
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So black people are super predators? I feel bad for you, I hope you get off the plantation.
1 up, 3y,
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Who said anything about super predators except you and Hillary Clinton? I feel sorry for you if that is the best you have to offer up.
0 ups, 3y
Fraud in chief said that, I'd invite you to look up the video :)
1 up, 3y,
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He's been doing creepy stuff like this for years. People have been complaining about it for years. They've been ignored / covered up for years.

His own story about having kids pet his legs and sit in his lap when was a lifeguard is a humorous example.

Tara Reade is a serious one.
1 up, 3y,
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Creepy is sexual predatory behaviour - which Trump has a long history of as well as being internationally known as a con-artist - yet miraculously the GOP endorsed him as their 2016 & 2020 candidate and as of late, seemingly their 2024.

Biden, on the other hand, was never known to be a sexual predator nor a con-artist. He was merely someone who was just a little too touchly, feely, for some people's liking, which I can respect as everyone is different. Some people really like to receive physical contact from others while some recoil from such due to their prior history and will sometimes project nefarious connotations onto others even when nothing untoward was occurring.
2 ups, 3y
and the treatment of tara reade was downright vulgar.
*unless you are part of the political class,and therefore protected from all scrutiny.
1 up, 3y,
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What you're doing is known in psychology as projecting. It's very interesting
1 up, 3y,
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Nope, projecting is when you subscribe to others what you yourself are guilty of doing. Pretty much what Trump does daily. And, in case you choose to debate me on the subject, the study of psychology is just one of 4 post secondary diplomas/degrees programs I graduated from with honours.
1 up, 3y,
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Was gender studies one of those degrees with high honors ;)
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"Never known to be a predator or con artist."

Depends on who you ask. Just because the Democrat-friendly media doesn't cover it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
1 up, 3y,
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Or alternatively, it wasn't covered because it never actually happened.
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Apparently, you've yet to notice that those most often accused of and actually indicted for sexual predatory behaviour tend to be Republican leaning males rather that Dems. Gee, I wonder why? Perhaps it's because they're more inclined to believe women should be subservient to them rather than co-equal partners (as many Dems tend to believe)
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Not-Republican media.
0 ups, 3y
I never said there weren't sleazy Dems and I have no problem seeing them fall from grace either. The operative words however, were "accused of and actually indicted for...". Guess you overlooked that part given the many submissions that didn't actually fit that description.
0 ups, 3y
Republican lecher was a fictional character. Democratic lecher was real.
0 ups, 3y
0 ups, 3y
Also no.
0 ups, 3y
Money can't buy happiness.
0 ups, 3y
Aww man I almost forgot Katie...
0 ups, 3y
Not-Republicans in love.
0 ups, 3y
Mary Jo unavailable for comment.
0 ups, 3y
Not a Republican.
0 ups, 3y
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, I'm not a Republican.
0 ups, 3y
All the things Gaetz hasn't been arrested for, this guy did.

As a Democrat.
0 ups, 3y
A new intern accidentally hired a masseuse when he wanted a "masseuse."
0 ups, 3y
Two not-Republicans.
0 ups, 3y
"Read the bill?"
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2 ups, 3y,
3 replies
I have full respect for every Republican governmental official and Judge in the nation that chose to uphold their sworn ethical duty to preserve, protect and defend the Consitution while adhering to the ethics of honesty, integrity and accountability in doing so rather than corrupting themselves like McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Hawley, Cruz, Stefanik, et al, in supporting the cultism of Trump.

Kudos to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Gabriel Sterling, Brad Raffensperger and every other Republican governmental official in the nation for calling out Trump's BS claims of election fraud, along with every state and federal Judge nationwide that too did the right thing when it counted.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
No one cares about your shout outs to the deep state. You and them would sooner burn the constitution
1 up, 3y,
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Who said anything about the deep state other than you? Good try though, fool.
2 ups, 3y,
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Either you're willfully ignorant, or too uninformed to have a conversation with on the subject. Your memes suggest the latter, but I suspect the former.
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Neither and I have absolutely no problem whatsoever you don't like my memes, which I suspect is likely due to calling 'a spade a spade'. That's one thing Liz Cheney and I actually have in common.
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0 ups, 3y,
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How do you get racist out of that? The phrase has only been around for the some 400 years or so and means to speak frankly, to tell it like it is, not beat around the bush, etc.
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0 ups, 3y
That's news to me but I'm sure you already knew that.
1 up, 3y,
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Lol if you've proven one thing, it's that the left can't meme, and the other that you are suffering from psychological issues that are keeping you from comprehending actuality. It's okay, were all flawed, I wish you the best.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
LOL... since when are memes considered to be anything other than a simplistic means of self expression? It's truly remarkable that anyone should ever actually place any high value on them, which apparently you do, given your need to try to turn them into a competitive game between left and right viewpoints. I'm not the one suffering from psychological issues here.
0 ups, 3y,
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I'm not the one posting the meme though, am I ;) I'll leave you with this to ponder, and it's an honest observation, you have a beautiful mind.
0 ups, 3y,
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Nothing to ponder there. I'm sure your trying to make some sort of bizarre equivalency to John Nash.
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I'm sure you're chock full of assumptions ;)
0 ups, 3y
Lol they wrote three paragraphs then blocked me, that's what I call triggered
0 ups, 3y
Considering you neither confirmed nor denied my statement but rather chose to misdirect to a topic of assumptions, I'm guessing my initial instinct was entirely accurate.

You don't even realise, do you, what an asinine statement that was, as it betrayed your own ignorance of human nature itself. Literally everyone on earth makes multiple assumptions a day about information or realities they're exposed to.

In multiple professional worlds - medical, legal, business, politics, etc, assumptions (often known as hypothesies) are what create the very foundations for policies and actions enacted. It's only later, when countervailing facts expose the flaws in the initial assumptions, that revisions and updates get made.
2 ups, 3y,
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We really don't care if you support any of the RINO's you mentioned. We have no respect for any Dumbo-Crats and aren't interested in building unity with a party trying to destroy our republic just to enrich themselves.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Riiiiight... all the people you designated as RINOs have been life long republicans, unlike Trump who has repeatedly flipped political affiliation between Dem, Independent and Republican over the years.

Truly remarkable that Trump's a person you want to trust and follow - even though he's had an international reputation for being a conman since the early 90s, as well as being a sexual predator for decades, rather than someone that's actually ever upheld any Republican belief systems and ethical principle that most Republicans take pride in.

l feel truly sorry for you that your educational experience was so deficient that it never taught you how to differentiate fact from fiction and as such, you're rendered highly susceptible to polical rhetoric (which tends to prey upon gullible and uninformed minds) in order to manipute their thought processes such that they'll ultimately gain your unquesting vote in the future.
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
Be honest - if Trump stayed Dem and won in 2016, you'd be calling him the best thing since sliced bread.
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1 up, 3y
There is not a chance in hell of that. First off, Dems never would have allowed Trump to ever become their nominee in the first place due to his known history for corruption, and secondly, I'm not a mindless idiot that would ever support nor vote for a truly incompetent and morally bankrupt candidate merely because they belonged to a preferred party.
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Need I remind you that Mitch McConnell at the beginning of Obama's administration declared his sole mission was to ensure he was a one term president - not cooperating with Dems to advance policies that would benefit all Americans - and has stated exactly the same thing under Biden.

His sole concern is only about obstructionism, not unity. Funny, I've never heard any Dem ever promote that type agenda, probably because they're more vested on delivering on the vision and mandate they declared. Corrupt GOP officials, on the hand, tend to invest all their energies into supporting Trump's big lie and enacting voter suppression laws and propaganda, because they know they'd never win a national election based purely on their highly unpopular policies alone.
0 ups, 3y,
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"His sole concern is only about obstructionism, not unity. Funny, I've never heard any Dem ever promote that type agenda."


Were you in a coma during the last four years?

Pelosi. Schumer. Waters. Cortez. Omar. Harris. Booker. Nadler. Schiff. Hirono. Klobuchar. Jackson-Lee. Whitehouse.

And that's just off the top of my head.
0 ups, 3y
It's one thing for Congressional members to fight against what they perceive to be unjust legislation, it's quite another when the Senate majority leader specifically states on record their sole purpose is to ensure the defeat of the opposing party in the next election by preventing them from ever being able to accomplish anything for American citizens while in power. That's truly F'd up and is reflective of someone more interested in tribalism and identity politics than actually serving the best interests of the nation and its entire populace.
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Hardly. While her ethical stance calling out Trump's BS lies of mass election fraud is truly admirable given the blatant craveness and corruption of so many of her colleagues, her general political viewpoints would never win favor with Dems.
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You can have her. We don't want her.
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You don't want her solely because of the fact she's telling republicans the truth and you'd rather live with an illusion than face up to the ugly truth that you supported a truly corrupt and morally bankrupt individual to lead your party.
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No. I don't want her because she's a squish more interested in keeping a political career instead of solving problems by supporting conservative solutions.

She's rather play The Noble Loser to Democrats.

Shocker that she waded into a political battle without any clear definition of victory or a solid exit strategy...
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You can't be serious. The ones more interested in their own self serving political careers are McConnell, McCarthy, Cruz, Hawley, etc, etc, etc, that continue to feed into Trump's big lie, not Cheney. She rightly placed her Oath to Office to uphold the Constitution above political expedience, which is why she lost her Chair position. Truth matters.
0 ups, 3y,
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Again - if she's just so gosh darn ethical and drenched in glory, you can have her.
You can have Mitt, too.
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He's in love with all the RINO POS that we want to get rid of
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They don't know the golden opportunity before them. This is their chance to finally wim over the stalwart heavy-hitter Republicans like Lez Cheney, ¡Jeb! Bush, Kasich, and Mittens! Why if they play their cards right, they might even get Collins and Murky to flip parties.

OhH nOeZ wE cOnSeRvAtIvEs ArE dOoOoMeD!
1 up, 3y
true they can have them all
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0 ups, 3y
So what you're saying is that those that are actually ETHICAL in the Republican party are no longer welcome therein. Got it. Don't be surprised when the entire party implodes and self destructs due to that mindset. Apparently, you learned nothing from history lessons taught during your educational informative years from high school and beyond.
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